Old Foes

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In the afternoon, the Hazbin crew walk through the fields.

Charlie: (calling) According to the map, the next fortress shouldn't be far.

Carmilla: (nodding) Let's keep moving. We need to stay focused and keep an eye out for any traps or ambushes.

Angel Dust: (alert) Agreed. We can't afford to let our guard down, especially after what happened back at the stadium. Now, with these new weapons, this will be easy.

As the Hazbin crew continues their journey, tensions run high as they remain vigilant for any signs of danger. With Clara and the six sins captured, and Velvette and Vaggie still under Bajillia and Vox's influence, they keep their eyes on the prize.

Suddenly, they hear noise from the bushes as they turn to face it.

They cautiously approach the source of the noise, weapons at the ready, prepared for whatever may emerge from the underbrush. As they draw nearer, they see a figure emerging from the foliage, panting heavily and looking disheveled.

Charlie: (surprised) Lute!

Lute: (breathlessly) Help... please... they're after me...

Suddenly, a group of bootleg X-borgs emerge from the bushes.

Lute: (panicked) They found me!

Angel Dust: (determined) We won't let them take you, Lute. Hazbin crew, let's show these bots what we're made of!

The Hazbin crew springs into action, engaging the bootleg X-borgs in a fierce battle. With their new weapons in hand, they fight with renewed determination, protecting Lute at all costs.

Charlie: (commanding) Emily, Odette, cover Lute! Carmilla, Angel Dust, let's take down these bots!

Charlie leads the charge, her new double-bladed sword slicing through the mechanical foes with precision. Carmilla uses her new blades against the evil forces, engulfing the bots in flames and ice. Angel Dust dances around his opponents, his new guns tearing through metal with ease.

Emily and Odette protect Lute, ensuring she remains safe amidst the chaos. Emily wields her new sword with grace, deflecting incoming attacks while Odette uses her tablet blade as the two lovers fight side by side, blushing at each other.

As the battle rages on, the Hazbin crew begins to gain the upper hand. The bootleg X-borgs falter under their relentless assault, their numbers dwindling with each passing moment.

Finally, with a final flurry of strikes, the Hazbin crew emerges victorious, the last of the bootleg X-borgs falling to the ground in defeat.

Charlie rushes to Lute's side, concern etched on her face as she checks for any injuries.

Charlie: (worried) Lute, are you alright? Did they hurt you?

Lute: (grumbling) I got shot in the leg by Velvette's fucking mother, surprisingly not as painful as I imagined.

Charlie helps Lute to her feet, relieved to see that she's relatively unharmed despite the ordeal.

Charlie: (gentle) Let's get that leg looked at. We'll find a safe place to rest and tend to your injury.

Lute nods gratefully, leaning on Charlie for support as the group begins to move towards a more secure location.

Angel Dust: (smirking) Looks like you've got yourself into quite the mess, Lute. Good thing we were here to bail you out.

Lute: (annoyed) Yeah, yeah, I owe you one. But don't get too cocky, Angel Dust. I can handle myself just fine.

Carmilla: (nodding) Let's keep moving. We need to find a safe place to rest and regroup before pressing on.

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