Late night drive (karlity) 💠🃏

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Karl x Quackity
Fluff💠/ (more) Angst 🃏

Karl was on his way to a bar,nervous to make some new freinds.
Karl was alone,nothing but a smile on his face and the steering wheel in his hands.
He wouldn't usually go to bars or clubs alone because...why would he? But Karl recently realized he needed to get out of the house some more and make some new friends.

Making friends as an adult was tricky,it used to be as easy as going up to a kid at the playground and asking 'wanna play?',but if Karl did that nowadays to fellow adults he'd probably get the police called on him.
Life just wasn't the same as an adult,Karl hated it but he knew there was nothing he could do,so he improvised.
Although he hated the taste and smell of most alcohol,that's where adults hung out.

In college,students would just study together or go to dorm parties,but he graduated a year ago and none of his college friend's were free tonight he was.
Karl parked in the parking lot next to the bar.
It was sketchy,but Karl was devoted to making friends.
He got out of his car and started walking to the bar.
It was weird going in there alone,everyone was with friends or seemed like they would punch you of you even tried to talk to them.

Karl fixed his hoodie and walked over to the bar.
Karl:"one shot of tequila please"
He smiled at the bartender as he sat down,he was gonna need a bit of a push tonight.
Within 2 seconds,Karl got his shot and downed it.

(Fillleerreer that I might have to update later but im just really not in the mood to write build up rn.but basically Karl sees Quackity in the bar>Quackity acts a little rude around his friends before taking a pill>Karl decides to take him home since no one else will.)

Quackity was way out of it,it definitely kicked in.
His expression was dead,his black enlarged pupils peaked through his squinting eyes.
He was pale,and looked like he was paralyzed from the neck down.
Karl wasn't totally sure on where they were going,should he drop Quackity off at wherever he lived or take him home?
Karl:"is it cool if I take you home?"
Quackity shifted in his seat.

He really didn't care.
There was a bit of silence.
Karl:" an alcoholic now or what?"
He awkwardly scoffed,not sure why he said that out loud.
Quackity smiled to himself.
Quackity:"I guess...I bet Highschool me would be so fuckin proud right now.."
Quackity shrugged.
Quackity:"i thought I'd be a drinker,so I guess that worked out for me"

Karl smiled,it was sad but...Karl wasn't about to lecture him.
Quackity:"so,what have you been up too?"
Karl:"oh,you know,basically nothing"
Quackity:"no Job?"
Karl scratched his head.
Karl:"uhhh,I do's complicated.."
Quackity nodded.
Karl:"what about you?"
Quackity:"I got a really well paying job the second I got outta college"

Karl looked at him confused.
Karl:"....they don't care that know,unstable?"
Quackity:"it's called code switching,look it up?"
Karl rolled his eyes back onto the road.
Quackity sniffed.
Quackity:"i always kinda thought you would die,in highschool I mean."
That caught Karl a little off guard.

He said confused.
Quackity:"you came in with bruises,they were all over your arms....they matched your purple shirt perfectly,I thought it might've been some sort of bold fashion statement at first"
Karl felt a chill go down his spine as he remembered that lost memory.
He stared blankly into the road for a few seconds before he exhaled and snapped back into reality.
Karl:"yeah,that was my boyfriend at the time,
It was really weird.."

Quackity took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes.
Karl looked over to him,he noticed Quackitys sleeves slightly slouched down.
He had scars,they looked fresh.
Quackity:"I'm sorry for not checking up on you back then,I wanted to but....I dunno,I just felt like a loser.."
He said as he put his hands back down.
Karl hesitantly turned back to the road with a worried expression.

Karl:"don't worry about it..."
Quackity sniffed,his eyes getting redder by the second.
Quackity:"I actually...kinda liked you in highschool"
Karl smiled and looked at him.
Karl:"are you serious?"
Quackity scoffed.
Quackity:"yeah! I know we weren't really close but...I admired your..uh...flamboyance?"
Karl rolled his eyes.

Quackity:"I'm serious! You were an open book,
I would see you befriend people every DAY,it was so easy to your friend,I dunno,you were just so social.."
Karl shrugged.
Karl:"as long as your nice to people,they'll be nice back"
Quackity:"yeahhh,i feel like that doesn't really apply to me,huh.."
Karl tilted his head,thinking of a response other than 'yeah,you were a dick'.

Karl:"I mean....sure,you were an asshole sometimes but I still like you? I just thought we couldn't be better friends because you already had so many"
Quackity:"yeah,I think I might've peaked in kinda fell off,not gonna lie.."
Karl laughed.
Karl:"I think it's cause in college people would rather study than play video games together,
Feels like no one ever had time to hang out.."
It got silent.
Karl could almost hear the smile fading from Quackitys face.
Quackity took a deep breath.

Quackity:"i just remember in Highschool....
and College,you were such a weirdo,you wore weird socks,you dressed like it was still 2010,
You did whatever you's like you have no sense of shame.."
Karl looked at him with a blank expression.
Karl:"well,my mom told me to just be myself and people would like me"
Quackity chuckled.
Quackity:"well she was right,people definitely like you,or atleast I do."
Karl smiled.
Karl:"I appreciate that,Quackity."

Quackity nodded.
Karl:"I like you too! And I'm sure your'm sure they like you too!"
Quackity laughed.
Quackity:"i don't Even know if you could call it that"
Karl:"well why wouldn't someone like you? Let alone hate you"
Quackity shrugged and shifted in his seat.
Quackity:"They hate me...cause I'm faggot"
Karl looked over at Quackity and tried his best to smile.
Karl:"I don't hate you,Quackity"
Quackity scoffed and rubbed his hand down his face.
Quackity:"thats probably cause your a faggot too."

Karl wasn't sure how to respond to that.
He knew this feeling,the feeling of angst after Quackity said something out of pocket but true.
His voice,pared with the way he would slur his words when intoxicated,it was all coming back to him.
This has happened before.
2 years ago,it was late at night in Quackitys dorm room,they got pared together for an assignment and as they were working on it,
They realized that they actually had a lot of chemistry.

While the sun was going down they got further and further away from the task at hand and just ended up getting high.
It was really fun,they had a deep conversation,
But The sexual tension got lower and lower due to their increasingly depressing topics.
But right before Quackity passed out,he told Karl that in another life,they probably would've been Boyfriend and girlfriend,all Quackity would've had to do was transition.

Like I said,after Quackity said that he passed  out immediately.
There was something so weird about it,ending a conversation that was definitely leading up to sex with a sentence like that wasn't like him at all.
Karl passed out a few seconds later and woke up tightly cuddled up to Quackity.
It was really nice,intimate,Karl just knew that this was the start of something new but Quackity clearly disagreed.

After that night,Quackity started acting weird towards him.
Avoiding him in the halls and in class,going on his phone every time Karl was approaching a mutual friend of theirs,he was just...odd.
It lasted for a while until he eventually stopped being awkward,but the sad thing was that they never got the chance to get closer after that personal conversation.

Quackity just didn't want too,he said stuff he didn't have the guts to deny so he just avoided Karl hoping that he'd just forget about it.
And he did,until now.
Karl:"we're going back to my place,alright?"
He yawned loudly.
Karl smiled to himself and patted Quackity on his shoulder.

 ➼𝒦𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈 [𝟨] ✮Where stories live. Discover now