7. Lie after lie.

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"So, how have things been between the two of you since your last session?" Sol regarded them from her chair, which was positioned directly across from the couch where becky and freen were sitting. 

"Fine," becky muttered.

"Fine," freen echoed, looking down at the toes of her brown leather boots. 

Could becky be sitting any further away from me? she thought

sardonically. After they'd walked in, becky had plopped down on the complete opposite side of the couch that freen had selected, and she'd known that becky seating choice had been deliberate.

"Oh, really?" Sol asked.

freen nodded without looking up, and becky remained silent too.  

"So, let me see if I have this right. The two of you came in here last week, freen confessed that she had the equivalent of an emotional affair with another man...a man she let touch her and kiss her and get her halfway naked....and you were cool with this, becky?
Everything was ‘fine'?" 

becky made a sound as if she was trying to respond but Sol plowed on.

"And freen, you confessed that you'd kept this big secret from becky, and you didn't try to defend your actions? You didn't tell her how her preoccupation with her job and her interest in her own little piece on the side made you so damned hurt and angry that you tried to get what she wasn't giving you from another man?"

freen felt tears building in her eyes as she studied her boots. 

"Well, I call bullshit." At that, both freen and becky heads snapped up.


Got your attention now, did I? I'm only going to say this one more time....if I have to do it again, you can just find yourself another therapist.  We cannot fix all of the problems between the two of you until the both of you are honest with me, with yourselves, and with each other.....

If you're both just going to sit here on my couch and try to lie to me, then you can both just get the fuck out now. 

Really. Because I don't like wasting my time."
Sol tone remained calm during the entirety of her speech; when she was finished, she folded her arms over her chest. 

becky was the first to speak.
"When we left here after the last session, we didn't speak until we got back home.... Then we had a huge screaming match where we called each other names and said terrible things to each other ... just like we always do.
I was beyond pissed and… and I accused her of lying about me being the baby's dad or mom or whatever...."

Sol expression remained blank, and becky continued. 
"Can you blame me though? I mean, for the longest time, she's made me out to be the asshole, and she's acted like a fucking victim....
How do you think it made me feel to hear that she wasn't so perfect, either? .... That she let another guy get his hands and mouth on her tits and put his fingers on her crotch, all the while accusing me of being the one who was screwing around?"

becky chuckle was completely devoid of humor. 

freen hold the sofa so she could tamp down the urge to put them around her wife neck.

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