Chapter 16: Training

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Jeff's POV

The day was soon coming to its end. Basically saying everyone was ready for there own little killing spree. Tonight, I decided not to join, it would be good to train her in the night when no one is around; she would have to get used to seeing and fighting in the dark anyways.

"Ruby, there gone." I tell her and she groans.

Ruby's POV

"Ruby, there gone." I heard Jeff tell me from over the covers.

I groaned from my sleeping state and pushed the covers off my face. It took awhile for me to adjust to the light from the room. I sighed as I pushed the rest of the covers off my body.

"Jeff why are you waking me up?" I asked him.

"Because, we're going to start training genius." he scoffs.

"Oh right." I murmur.

Giving myself a couple more seconds until I finally gave into staying up. I took a peek towards the window and noticed it was dark out. I furrowed my eyebrows, if it's night time why didn't he let me freaking sleep.

"It's night time Jeff." I inquire.

"I notice that Ruby, I'm going to start training you during the night when everyone is gone."

"Why??" I whined.

He pulls me up to my feet without any struggle, "Because, you need to get used to fighting in the dark, you don't just know how to do that over the night."

He had an accurate point.

"Okay fine, lets just go..."

With a weak nod we both headed out the door. We both descended down the stairs and headed to the back door.
The cool night breeze sent a shiver down my spine.

"You might have to get used to that as well..." he tells me and I glare at him.

He chuckles and hands me his knife. From there he taught me about accuracy, a few fighting tactics, about having a backup plan when shit goes down, and climbing quietly.

By the end of the night I was the only one panting like I had run a marathon. Jeff stood above me with a smirk. He was way more fit then me but that fucking smirk gave me the power and thought of tearing his heart out of his chest.

"Give up for now?" He suggests and I sheepishly nodded.

I was tired. Every last nerve wanted to give up on me. So did my bones which felt sore to the point where I actually thought I was beaten to death.

We both made our way back inside the house. EJ and Sally were the only ones back from there killing spree. Damn, that feels weird saying... I can't keep talking about this so lightly.

Somewhere in my head a voice told me to run, run far as fast as you can but another told me to release your anger on the world. About your mom, your dad, at your bullies. I couldn't just ignore it. The weak chains tying down my remaining sanity were slowly staring to break, the voices of all my pent up anger we're going to escape and let me tell you those voices were dangerously dominant than the sweet angelic one.

'I guess I'm just not gonna be the same anymore, am I?'

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