Special Chapter

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Side story of Joz Ferron Zagareth


In the ethereal realm of Armenia, where the ancient bloodline of vampires reigned supreme, there lived a prince named Joz Ferron Zagareth. Amidst the opulent halls and whispered secrets of his ancestral home, a fateful edict shattered his tranquility. His father, the formidable King Darius, decreed that Joz would wed Anya, a princess from the rival clan of werewolves.

Horrified by the prospect of an alliance that violated his very nature, Joz's heart rebelled. With a heavy soul, he resolved to defy his father's will. Under the cloak of night, he fled Armenia, his crimson cloak billowing behind him like a defiant banner.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to harness his untapped potential, Joz sought refuge at Hitmiton Academy, a sanctuary for the arcane arts. Within its hallowed halls, he discovered his true calling as a mage. Under the tutelage of the enigmatic master sorcerer, Eldrin, Joz's lightning power surged within him, transforming him into one of Hitmiton's most formidable students.

"Excuse me, kind sir. May I sit here?" woman with a red hair approached him.

"Do as you please." He coldly answered.

"Thank you. I'm Klane," she extended her hand. Joz looked at her and nodded. He didn't accept her hand; instead, he answered "Joz." 

"I've heard rumors about you, the vampire prince. They say you're one of the most powerful mages in Hitmiton,"

He laughs softly. "Mere whispers."

"I'm impressed by your lightning power. I've never seen anything like it!"

"It is a gift from my homeland. A place where vampires reign supreme." Images of his homeland appear in his head.

"Armenia? I've heard tales of that distant land."

"It was once my home, but I left. My father wished to marry me to a werewolf. I could not bear the thought of such a union," he chuckled, remembering the past and the reason why he's here right now. 

"I can understand that. Werewolves are our mortal enemies."

His eyes turned dark. "Indeed. So I fled and sought refuge here at Hitmiton Academy. It was here that I honed my lightning power."

"You must have been a formidable student."

He smirks. "I excelled in the arcane arts. But my true power lies not in magic alone."

"What else do you possess? "The woman giggled. 

He leans closer and whispers in her ears. "The blood of a prince. And a thirst for vengeance."


HERRA'S eyes blazed with an unyielding passion, her aura crackling with the raw power of fire. Weston, on the other hand, moved with an ethereal grace, his wind magic whispering secrets through the corridors. Together, they formed an unbreakable bond, their powers complementing each other in ways that astounded even the most seasoned mages.

"Ready?" Weston whispered, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He held his hand out, a faint breeze swirling around his fingertips.

Joz, his gaze fixed on the oak, nodded slowly. "As I'll ever be." His hands glowed with an ethereal blue light, his arcane energy pulsing with power.

Herra, her fiery hair ablaze with a matching intensity, grinned. "Let's show this old tree what we've learned!"

The three mages unleashed their powers in a synchronized eruption of energy. Joz's blue magic weaved around the oak, binding its roots with ethereal chains. Weston's wind magic whipped around the tree, twisting its branches into a whirlwind. Herra, with a fierce cry, ignited the leaves, transforming the oak into a towering inferno.

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