Backstreet Slave Trade (boyxboy)

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So this book finished a while ago now and I started it in like 2014 but I still get so many people commenting on how terrible my grammar is in it and yeah I know like its really bad, sometimes a bit unreadable 


@lilnickyc asked if she could edit it for me which I jumped at the chance of so a very big thank you to her.

Hope everyone can enjoy it a bit more now at least :D


Everyone knows what happens to mythical creatures when they die. They end up in purgatory, right? 

Well, that's what the horror stories tell us anyway.

However, fifty years ago the gates of purgatory opened up, leaking all its consistency onto the Earth. The creatures of our stories and worst nightmares were suddenly here and they're taking over our planet.

The humans tried to fight back, armies came together trying to capture or kill the beasts, and they quickly got whipped out by the pure wrath of the supernatural.

Fifty years later and the vampires, werewolves, demons, and witches have risen to be rulers of the Earth and all its content, including humans.

Humans are slaves to the creatures, whipped, collared and being eaten is what their life consists of.

Hey, I'm Jason. Sixteen years old and born into this life of slavery. My mom was a slave and had been all her life. It wasn't her choice, of course, to have me because who would really choose to have a child in this world. No, some man got her pregnant. Humans are forced together by the Dilongs, a scaled creature that sort of looked like a dragon, had the temper of one as well.

Anyway, they are in control of breeding, yeah that's right, these sick bastards breed us like we're animals. All for their own pleasure. Always needing more slaves to serve their every need or simply to eat, there are a lot of creatures after all.

Anyway, sixteen years ago I was born into some small cell, and that's where I spent most of my life growing up. Not the best but we made what we could of the situation. I had an amazing ten years with my mom and my many other siblings, it was there that I learned about everything. She told me about before the creatures had taken over the Earth, which was a privilege since most people my age were never told this and just grew up thinking this was how life had always been.

However, everything good must come to an end.

So, when I was ten, two Dilongs came into the cell me and my mother shared and took me from her arms. She was chained to the wall, too weak to move but I heard her screams as they dragged me away, knowing that it would be the last time I would see my mother's face.

Six years have passed since that day. They have been very eventful years, not good ones but a lot has happened.

First off, I was sold straight to a witch named Willow, who was the first to of collared me. She was quite old and all she made me do was help her around her small house, or fetching ingredients for whatever she was making. I stayed with her for three years until a werewolf came to Willows' house one day to buy one of her creations, but once he saw me he threatened Willow until she ended up selling me to Patrick. He was around thirty years old, a large man who towered over me with big bulging muscles. Thirteen-year-old me was terrified as he chucked me into the boot of his car, where I curled up in the corner.

I soon found out why Patrick had taken me from Willow. It seemed he had quite a thing for little boys, don't worry I won't go into detail about the two years I spent with him. Just know that they were the worst years of my life up until then.

However, as I said, Patrick liked little boys, not fifteen-year-olds that are not quite as small as when he first got them. So, as I sat chained up in his cellar one day eating the scraps he had given me, the door burst open revealing Patrick, but he wasn't alone. A little kid who looked to be about eleven was hiding behind him, and behind him stood two other men. Patrick didn't say anything, he just moved out the way of the door letting the two men pass; they unchained me but soon tied by hands and feet together as they dragged me out the cellar.

From then on, I went from werewolves to witches to demons to vampires. Everyone treated me differently, some were okay others just liked to use me as their little snack. That's how I ended up here in some backstreet slave trade.

You see once you get used and passed around too much, you start to lose your value. People become less interested in you, especially when you're battered, weak, and dirty from all the people using you. So for those people, that now includes me, end up in one of these back streets. Unlike the normal slave trade where only witches, vampires, werewolves or demons can buy you, instead, you're up for any creature.

I've been here a few days now. It was a massive place with just row after row of small cages, all occupied with humans. Creatures were constantly walking around taking what they wanted.

So there I was curled, into a ball having finally reached rock bottom. I was probably going to be bought for a meal. Then again, I was too skinny thanks to the lack of food from my previous owners.

Could life get any worse? I guess it could.

As a shadow stood over me, I peeked up through my blonde hair to see a tall man standing over the cage I was in. He was pale, so I'm guessing a vampire. Which was very unusual since they would never come to a backstreet slave trade when they could have the best slaves. He had dark brown almost black hair, which contrasted against his pale skin. I couldn't see much of his face in the light of the room, except for that smile.

"Yeah I want this one," his voiced, it sounded calm and sort of relaxing.

"Y-you sure s-sir? He is s-second h-hand," a stuttering voice asked, I'm guessing it was someone who worked here.

"Oh yes, definitely."

I tucked my head back into my folded up body, hoping he would just go away so I could finally die. Sadly, my wish was not answered as hands grabbed the collar around my neck, pulling me out of the cage. I was so weak that as soon as the man let go of the collar, I fell straight to the floor in a crumpled mess. Staying there for a few seconds until I was scooped up in someone's arms and carried out. I wasn't sure who it was except that they had a hard chest, but I soon passed out, not caring anymore what was to happen to me.

Hey! @lilnickyc here.
I'm an amateur writer but I loved this author's book so much, so I thought I would offer to do some light editing. Go easy if there is still an odd error floating around.

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