Forgiven But Not Forgotten

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Luke's Pov

"Jason, stop right there!" I shout, making him stop in his tracks.

An order is an order at the end of the day and a slave cannot disobey an order, especially when it comes from their master. He turned back around, with his head bowed low, "Now, come here," he walked across the room until he was standing but a few inches away from me, "On your knees," he dropped straight to his knees in a matter of seconds. "That is no way to talk to your Master, now is it? You're a slave, Jason, remember that-"

His head shot up, his eyes now glistening, "I know. I-I'm so s-sorry m-master."

"Ah-ah, no interrupting me now boy," his head dropped back to the floor, "Good. As I was saying, I have been good to you, you've had other masters before me. You know what most would have done to you that very first night, don't you?"

"Yes, M-Master."

"And I did no such thing, did I now?"

"No, Master."

"You see, Jason, I'm good to my slaves. I always have been, but I expect respect from all of them, including you. Now go, we have a big day tomorrow. I want you to stay downstairs tonight, I have no need for you."

"B-But you told me I w-was your personal s-slave, and I must s-stay with you."

"Slaves don't speak unless they are spoken to!" I scream down at the small figure, kicking him in the stomach so he fell backward onto his back, "Now go!" Jason jumped to his feet and ran out of the room in an instant.

"SHIT!" I scream, kicking a table over. "STUPID!" The sofa goes next. "STUPID!" The sofa crashes through the glass cabinet. "STUPID!" My fist goes through the flat-screen TV.

"Luke, stop!" Storm screeches as he runs into the room. I look over at him as he stands there in just his boxers "Please," He whispers. That's when I collapsed onto the floor, Storms arms around me in a moment as he pulled me to his chest "Shhh, It's okay."

"I fucked up, bad. Why do I always fuck up? I didn't mean to," I cry into his chest. Me, the great Luke Vondrak, crying over some stupid slave.

"S-storm?" Both me and Storm looked up to the doorway where Jimmy stood, shaking and naked as he looked around the room, "W-What's happening?"

"Nothing, umm, go see if Jason's okay."


"Please, Jimmy," I look at Storm, watching as his pleading eyes beg Jimmy to do as asked since I'm scared of what I might do if I go. Jimmy nods, before walking down the stairs.

"Now, come on. You can tell me everything upstairs, okay?"

Jason's POV

I ran as fast as my legs can carry me down to the servants quarters. I run into the room that was Jimmy's, curling up on his bed. I couldn't believe Master, I really did believe he would be different from the others. But then again, that's what I always thought. This time would be different, I'm such a fool sometimes. It's never different, none of them care. We're just items to be messed with then once they get bored, we get thrown away like trash.

"Jason?" Jimmy sat on the bed next to me. "It's okay, are you hurt?" As soon as the words left his mouth the throbbing pain returned to my abdomen. It felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me every time I took a breathe, making me let out a loud cry.

"My s-stomach hurts," I let out between sobs. Jimmy's hands gently pulled the hem of my t-shirt up, revealing my stomach, which had already started to bruise.

"Shit. It's okay, I'll go get Storm, he'll know what to do. Just stay here, I'll be back in a minute," With that, Jimmy ran out the small room.

I laid there in pain, with every breath hurting more than the last.

Storms POV

"Luke, you really are the most idiotic person I know. You need to go and apologize to him, you very well could have hurt him," As soon as the words left his mouth, a pain-filled screeching cry was let loose throughout the house. As soon as I turned to Luke, I saw that he was no longer there. Stupid vampires and their speed. I got to my feet and went running out the door, but as I did I ran straight into Jimmy, making him stumble backward, though I caught him before he could hit the floor.

"Storm, It's Jason, he's in pain and I don't know what to do," I looked at Jimmy's naked form as he started to shake in my arms.

"Shhh, It's going to be okay," I say, grabbing some boxers off the floor and giving them to him. "Now listen to me, Jason's going to okay. Luke is with him, so calm down, okay?" I take his hand in mine, giving it a kiss before I walk him back down towards the slave quarters.

Luke's POV

At the sound of the cry, I knew straight away that it was, in fact, Jason who was hurt. I ran straight away using my vampire speed, which got me there in seconds. "Jason, what's a matter?" I look down at his stomach, which has a large purple bruise forming. Oh god, I did that to him. I didn't mean to, I didn't think I kicked him that hard. "I'm so sorry. Please tell me where it hurts, so I can fix it," Jason turns his head slowly towards me.

"It h-hurts when – b-breath. Please, m-make it stop," His voice sounds weak and in so much pain. Just then Storm and Jimmy walk through the door.

"Storm, do something. He's hurt, please, help him."

"Would you stop being such a drama queen for five seconds?" Storm says, pushing me to the side as he sits on the bed next to Jason. "Jason, you've broken some ribs and I know it hurts, but I can fix them. Okay?" Storm hovers his hand over the right side of Jason's rib cage, running it downwards then back up again. "All fixed. Nothing else hurts, does it?"

"No, thank you," Jason says, giving Storm a small smile.

"It's okay. Now, I'm going to leave you with drama queen over there. I want you to listen to him okay, because I know he's very sorry for what he did, but sometimes he can be a bit of a dick," Storm stands, walking to where Jimmy stood and taking a hold of his hand. "Come on you, I want ice cream and you, hmm, together," Jimmy smiles brightly up at him before they walk out the door.

I remain standing in the corner of the room, staring at Jason's small figure lying on the bed. "I'm so sorry for what I did Jason. I just got mad, but that's no excuse, I know."

"It's okay. You're my Master, you can do whatever you want with me. I'm just a slave, remember?"

"Please don't. Just because you're a slave doesn't mean you're any less of a human who deserves to be treated correctly. So, I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I can promise you that," I walk over to his bed, sitting on the edge "Please, forgive me."

"I forgive you."


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