The Boy In the Cupboard

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Jasmine Evans looked at address of Number 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. She did not expect her husband, Willow Evans, to become a Secret Keeper to her memories. When the war that Lily, her younger daughter, was involved in, Jasmine have been hoping to lend a hand someway somehow. They had argued about that and Lily had seemingly agreed to let her help. Jasmine didn't know how she can help but she had promised to think of something.

A week after the argument, life became...strange.

She moved to the Americas and lived a simple life there until Willow contracted a sort of influenza that wrecked havoc on his immunity. Being so old, in his late 70's, doctors weren't confident that he would survive. It was a few days after his cremation that the strange dream-like state she was living in lifted. Willow's journal explained how Lily begged him to take her out of England as unlike with Petunia, her enemies had their eyes on her parents. It was a hard decision and he knew that Jasmine might hate him for it but he needed to keep her safe somehow. Petunia had completely cut off any contact with Lily due to some fights that they refused to confide in her with. Besides, her step daughter had already moved away from her childhood home.

In the end, Willow agreed to move and had some sort of magic ritual done to seal her memories about Lily and the magical away with him as the Secret Keeper. They had agreed to lift the seal when the war ended but neither Lily not her husband James made contact until Willow had the influenza. It had been 5 years since and now she's finally flying back to England. Somehow, Willow kept contact with Petunia.

That daughter of her was from his first marriage. Petunia was 2 when Jasmine came into her life and the two hardly clicked, no matter what Jasmine tried to get close. It grew worse after Lily received confirmation that she was a witch and they grew enchanted with this other side of the world. Jasmine tried to be there for Petunia but Willow's daughter seemed determined to see her attempts as placating her for Lily's 'specialty'. Even more when the war grew more violent and Jasmine's attention turned to try and keep her own daughter alive. Willow even helped share some of his war strategy from when he was serving the army through the World War with James to at least give them some chance that their wizard Nazi would not expect. Magic might be expected but not Muggle warfare. It made Petunia felt like any accomplishment she made was set aside.

Jasmine never meant to make her feel that way. She never wanted anyone to feel like they were set aside. It was hard when she had to watch it happen to her younger brother growing up. She never wanted to take after her own parents...

She rang the doorbell.

It did not take long for Petunia Dursley to open the door. Her soft hazel eyes widened, "Mum?"

Jasmine smiled, fading red hair tied in a bun behind her head, as she greeted her, "Hello, Petunia,"

Emotion surging, Petunia hugged her, "Mum!" After a moment of sharing a hug, they separated and Petunia eagerly pulled her in, "Come inside!"

Jasmine walked in, looking around and taking note of a chubby 3 years old featured in every picture frame. Petunia took her to the living room and started to fuss over, "When did you come back? I thought you are retiring in America?"

Jasmine smiled, "I was...but Willow...well..."

Petunia's face fell, "Oh...Father passed away. I-I heard and I w-wanted to go but then Dudley got the worms that week and we couldn't leave. After that, Vernon was promoted and he couldn't possibly push that aside after he worked so long to get it," She sighed, "I'm so sorry, Mum. I wished I was there,"

Jasmine smiled, patting her hand, "It's alright, dear. He passed away peacefully. He just wished his daughters were there...speaking of," She looked at Petunia, "Have you heard from Lily? Since England is the same as always, I supposed either the war ended in her favor or it cooled down enough,"

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