A Queen Out of Time

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When Elsa was woken up a day ago, the last thing she expected was for the King of Ghosts to propose to her. She finally met little Harry and a glance was enough to prove his words true. It wasn't that she did not believe Danny. It was simply that she needed to see Harry herself. The boy was immediately wary of her despite smiling and calling her pretty.

As if trying to force himself to like her.

So far, Danny had been accommodating. He had introduced her to Jazz and the elderly woman was immediately taken with her but not fully. Elsa understood the reason why. She wasn't here to be Danny's bride. She was here to be Harry's mother. She will need to prove herself worthy. As it was, Jazz seemed to relax a little when Danny explained that whether Elsa stayed or go depended on Harry's words.

Harry had stared at her in disbelief at that.

Elsa felt pain in her heart at his reaction. It wasn't disappointment. No. She felt pain because someone had hurt him so much that trusting was hard for him. Children as young as him didn't generally have so much paranoia. Especially towards someone that a family member brought in. Still, she felt that it was also good that he did not trust her so easily. It meant that he have a good sense of survival. It was just the fact that he was so young that hurt her. Such senses should be something learned at a much later age.

She was grateful that Jazz have something that fit her. Although it was a little tight around the chest area. Elsa was tempted to add some flair to the rather simple style of blouse and skirt but she held back. This wasn't her clothes. She must not be so free with it. She created a scarf and tied it around her neck to hide the straight the buttons have around her chest area. It would not do flash someone, even if that someone was a potential husband. Something that she did not imagine to ever have.

Marriage have always been far from her mind. Growing up, she was more concerned with studying to be Queen over romance. Not to mention, her power caused her to think and rethink about any marriage prospect. She had been determined to hand the throne to Anna's children when the time came as she did not think any man would survive her touch. And when she was comfortable with her power, she was more concerned with the security and prosperity of Arendelle. Besides, the people was clearly more enamored with Anna. Elsa had even trained her sister on the ways of being Queen just in case. Perhaps it was written in the stars from long before as it had always felt as if the throne wasn't hers for long. Later, she became Ahtohallan's Daughter and she was more concerned with the balance of spirits and humans.

Marriage was simply never in her list of things to do, let alone romance.

When Anna's descendant grew more and more distant from her, Elsa decided to withdraw from Arendelle completely. As it was, the spread of the Church was hunting people with magic and she cannot let them destroy Ahtohallan. In the end, Elsa sealed herself away from the world and decided to sleep. Becoming an observer of things from a distance.

Now she was awake in world without any root. She was a Queen without her Kingdom. A sister without her sibling. An aunt without her family. She was alone and have no one. It was a fate Elsa understood and painfully came to term with upon understanding that she have attained the impossible; immortality. She had mourned herself ages ago.

But today she sat in the dining room, being served breakfast by a small fey creature whose ears flapped excitedly at the sight of her before hiding her face behind them shyly, and eating with possible family members. She recognized the phoenix tears that Jazz dropped into her drinks and recalled that Danny said that she was sick. That said, he wasn't around. Perhaps he feared that his aura would hurt them further.

Jazz looked at her, "So, Elsa. What do you liked doing in your free time?"

Elsa looked to see Harry peeking at her, equally curious. She smiled, "I enjoyed reading and solving mathematical equation," Harry scrunched his little nose at that and Elsa smiled at him, "My little sister have the same reaction as you. She prefer to bother the horses and the Knights,"

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