Something Off

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Something was off with Elsa, Danny noted.

It wasn't really a bad thing. But she started blushing a lot around him. Not to mention the staring. She tried to be polite about it but he can't help but notice when she stared at him. Like when he was working and she was reading while Harry spent time with Jazz and Ellie. Well, she was reading the Encyclopedia of the World's History. But somewhere during reading, she stopped.

He took note that she stopped when he came anywhere near her line of sight and she would end up staring as if hypnotized. But that was still not so strange about Elsa watching him. It was the way she looked at him. She would stare at his exposed forearms and starting gulping. She would stare at his neck or his jaw, her pupils blown wide like twin black holes with her sky blues nothing but a ring.

Then she would flush redder than she already did, shaking her head and excusing herself from his presence.

Danny knew what that behavior meant. He had seen it. Had experienced it more times than he can count. After all, he wasn't a virgin teenage boy who just discovered sex.

She was watching him with lust.

It made his own body heat up and react. It was only his hell forged discipline that stopped him from showing how her staring affect him. But they were not married and there was the others in the house consider. Harry especially. Not to mention Elsa's own upbringing.

Danny wasn't big on staying chaste until marriage but he respected Elsa's upbringing. It was the reason why he held back a lot on romancing her. He wasn't actually sure where to even start. Just kissing her was already a big step for him in regards to her. Not to mention, from stories and Elsa's own admittance, she wasn't a romantic person as she had never felt romantic love. He pegged her for an aromantic/asexual person.

Danny on his part was a demisexual. All ghosts were known to either be demisexuals or asexuals as they were governed by their emotions and attachments. Meaning if they were emotionally attached to an object, they were asexual by nature. It was easy for him to go ahead when he felt an attachment towards someone. But he wasn't someone who would sleep with multiple people at once, despite having no emotional attachment. His sexual encounters usually came from a place of loneliness as there wasn't anyone like him. And his sex partners understood this so none ever asked him for more. They were just there to ease his loneliness.

Because of these reasons, he held back a lot with Elsa. He wanted more but he didn't want her to look at him with disgust. Sure, it had been awhile for him since his last roll around in the sheets. Like a few years, give or take? Danny wasn't really active sexually. But once he had the chance to actually do it, he would put his all in it so that he can be truly satisfied. Now, however?

Elsa made him horny 24/7, nice and simple.

So he silently suffered whenever there was a moment and Harry decided he wanted attention.

Ah...the suffering of a parent. No privacy.

It made him wonder how people with multiple children did it. He will have to ask Albus or maybe Severus when they next visit. Then again, Severus had remained single since forever. Well, he was a very loyal man to Lily. Danny hoped that the wizard will find his soulmate in the next cycle or something.

Now, Elsa was really tempting him.

She had just shown signs that she wasn't asexual, as he had feared. No. It was clear that she wanted him. For example, she stayed much longer than she usually would when sending up his protein shake during his training session to watch him go at the gym equipment. So he flexed his muscles around a little. When he took off his sodden shirt was her limit, however. She made a weird but cute choking noise before excusing herself. That made him smile.

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