Special And Important

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Elsa stepped out of the fireplace with Harry in tow. She had almost stumbled but she managed to catch herself before she faceplant herself on the floor of the establishment that she just entered. Harry was quiet as he clung to her. Just hearing that they will be in London was enough to make the boy wary and alert. She moved out as the green flames behind her flared and spitting out Danny who stumbled and rolled onto his feet in one smooth move. He then calmly patted down his body to shake out the ashes.

He looked at her and Harry, "You two alright?"

It had taken Danny awhile to get their fireplace hooked onto the Floo Network. Part of the reason why was because the wizard that was supposed to add their fireplace onto the traveling network of fireplaces was leery of coming to the Shrieking Shack. Well, considering the rumors, no one can blame him.

Elsa took a moment to check on Harry, his scar once again hidden, and nodded, "We are alright,"

Danny smiled, gathering his family close, "Good. I just don't think that taking the Knight Bus would do good on a full stomach," He had told her about his rather interesting experience taking the bus the last time he visited Diagon Alley. When he last took Elsa and Harry to London, he had used a ghost portal. But he wanted Harry to get used to magical means of traveling so he decided to investigate all the methods that witches and wizards have created for travel.

Elsa will not take much stock on Danny's 'interesting' evaluation. After all, as a ghost, anything that was 'interesting' to him might not be healthy for either her or Harry. Even the traveling through fire was rather dizzying for her. Fortunately, Harry didn't throw up his breakfast. That said, the Knight Bus must be worse on the stomach.

After taking a moment, Danny took her to the back and picked Harry, "Alright. This is where you shine, Harry, Just touch the bricks as I told you. 3 up, 2 across,"

Harry asked, "Like a cross?"


He patted the bricks and they came alive, shifting to creating a doorway. Harry giggled at the sight before settling down and clung to Danny. Danny decided to put the boy on his shoulders, causing Harry to squeal a little before he grew more animated, chattering and 'reporting' to them what his eyes can see from Danny's shoulders. Danny wrapped a free hand around her waist, pulling her close and almost engulfing her in his dark grey duster that he preferred over the cloaks and robes that wizards wear. He would not looked out of place if he just walked out onto the street of mundane London.

She herself decided to fit in and wear one of the elegant witch robes bought from Hogsmeade. A dark violet robe designed to look like a dress with thick black belt around her waist worn over fluttering pastel orange dress, the hanging sleeves adding some dramatic flare to her silhouette while the under sleeve was partly covered by black velvet gloves. Black travel boots covered her feet. She wore a black hat with black veil over her eyes, with dark red roses pinned to the side. Her blond hair up in a bun.

She also put Harry in something more aligned to child wizard's fashion. His forest green robe have splits up the sides and for rough physical activities, fall leaves in dark orange and brown were embroidered on his shoulders and the hem of his calf length robe. Bright pumpkin orange scarf was tide around his neck. Red beanie covered his head and over his scar, a large orange pompom made to shape like a pumpkin bobbing on top of it. Matching mittens covered his hands with the underside stitched to have dark grinning pumpkin faces over the brighter orange palm. Harry was tastefully dressed for the season. Unlike his parents, he was dressed for the cold.

Danny took them first to the bank, where Elsa tried not let the double takes of the goblins there distract her. He went to the VIP counter and waited for his turn behind a family of blonds. After a moment, the man before them huffed, cane in hand as he escorted his partner away. The small blond boy following closely between the folds of their voluminous robes. Elsa noticed the barely concealed disdain look he sent at Danny for his mundane fashion choice. Danny either didn't notice or simply ignored him as he grinned at the gobsmacked goblin, "Hi! I want to withdraw some money from my account. Vault 8888?"

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