Chapter 83

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"We're almost done, Sahara! Just two more laps, okay!"

"Yes, Master Brekdak!!!"

As their voices could be heard at a loud volume, Sahara and Brekdak were running around the dorm inside of Shangri-La. Currently they were on their eighth lap as they both had giant boulders chained to their backs. Sahara made great progress as she is now able to sprint along side Brekdak now without the use of Crazy Sheep.

"Let's keep going!!! Now we can really start training! Soon you'll be an unstoppable force of nature!"

"Yes sir!!!!!"

As she was using her spear to block bullets heading towards her way, Fubuki couldn't help but notice how Yachiho's movements weren't wasteful in the slightest. Just as the barrage of bullets stopped, Fubuki lunged towards Yachiho to close the distance while the girl was reloading her gun. However, Yachiho merely smiled as she got her mother right where she wanted her.

"The combination of Golden Hour and your now refined CQC. There are two phases to use in order to really overwhelm your opponent. First, you lure them in by creating blind spot on purpose. The moment they close in on, punish them for thinking you'd make a rookie mistake. This is phase one of your new technique. A real life quick time event."

"Golden Hour:Q.T.E"

The moment Yachiho took her stance, time stopped as the young woman struck her mother's body

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The moment Yachiho took her stance, time stopped as the young woman struck her mother's body. Liver, head, her dominant hand, even the leg she starts her movement on. Yachiho struck all these spots with great speed and precision. As time began to resume, Fubuki felt the grip on her spear weaken as her right hand was in pain. Not only that, it felt as if her whole body took immense damage.

"Since when were you this good at hand-to-hand combat, Yachiho."

"Since a reliable junior helped me out. Besides....who said this was hand-to-hand combat?"

As Yachiho said this, she quickly took out her gun as she shot at Fubuki. The moment this happened, Fubuki swung her spear vertically in order to cut the bullet in half. However, what truly surprised her was how Yachiho stood completely still with her gun in hand.

"Now that your opponent will be wary of whether you switch to close range or long range attacks, this is where your new technique comes in. One that capitalizes on your greatest strength. A lethal CQC that  revolves around firearms."

"CQC:Moonlit Night."

~With Tenka~As she was using her ability, Tenka found herself in a predicament

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~With Tenka~
As she was using her ability, Tenka found herself in a predicament. Once again, Nagisa's attacks were relentless to the point just one of them landing would prove fatal. However, everytime she teleported away, he would immediately close the distance again in a matter of seconds.

"Did you know, Tenka-san? Sometimes you glance in the direction you want to teleport before you actually do?"

As he said this, Nagisa swiftly turned around as he grabbed Tenka's arm and slammed the chief down to the ground. This was how he was able to counter her each and everytime. The slight gap in time between her looking at where to teleport and the moment she actually teleports, that was the opening he aimed for and with his speed, he could easily close the distance.

"I see. So then, Nagisa, what do you think I should do to improve?"

"Well for one, the attack you use. What if instead of using it for offense, you launch one that instantly teleports the enemy away or even closer to you so can use the offensive spatial attack at point-blank range? I don't know much about how your attacks actually work, so this is speculation."

"I see. I can try to do something like that. Thank you, you truly have been a big help to the Sixth Unit. But please, take care of yourself too, ok Nagisa?"

Tenka's eyes suddenly widen when she saw Nagisa fall to the ground as he grabbed a hold of his chest. The boy began to scream in pain as if his very blood was boiling. Various voices could be heard within his mind, however one voice stuck out to him. Just this one voice in his mind was all it took to make him lose his mind.

"Take care of yourself, Nagisa."


As Nagisa screamed, he began to slam his head onto the ground repeatedly. Each time he did, a bit of black blood began to escape from him. Just as Tenka was about to head over to him to calm him down, suddenly the blood that was staining the ground was floating in the air.

"What in the world is this?!"

"Nee-san.....where are you....where are you?!"

Suddenly the blood began to shoot itself towards Tenka as it solidified at an extremely fast rate

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Suddenly the blood began to shoot itself towards Tenka as it solidified at an extremely fast rate. However, as soon as Tenka avoided the attack, Nagisa was right behind her as he was drawing his sword. A look of complete horror was in his eyes as his entire body was shaking.

"Where is.....where.....where is Big Sister?! I.....I can't do it alone!!!!!"

Just as he was about to swing down his sword, Nagisa suddenly felt someone hit the back of his neck with tremendous force. As the boy fell down, Tenka noticed that it was Tobera who knocked out the boy at the moment. As she was helping the boy to get off the ground, Tobera spoke to Tenka.

"So this is why Yamashiro insisted on me coming here."

"What's wrong with him?"

"You see that black substance that attacked you right? The black blood, that's the reason why Nagisa here had a little episode just now. The black blood enhances the negative emotions of whoever possesses it. However, there are other ways to trigger the madness. While healing him when he first came back, Yamashiro noticed three major triggers. The first being anything related to Medusa Gorgon. The second trigger is stress. The third trigger is.........anything that reminds him of Tomioka Tsutako."

Tenka couldn't believe her ears. It almost sounded too cruel. Anyone would think of a lost family member from time to time, yet even that would cause Nagisa misfortune. Plus, if Black Blood merely enhanced emotions that were already there, just how much did Nagisa keep to himself. As Tenka walked over to Nagisa, Tobera looked at the Sixth Unit chief.

"Bang told me a lot about Nagisa. Please watch over him, Tenka. It's your responsibility as a chief. Plus......just because he's strong, doesn't mean he can handle every burden alone. He's even younger than that Yuuki boy and look at what we all did. Just because he's strong, we made him in charge of training all of us. In a way, it's all our fault he's like this too."

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