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Tonight was the night of the 'going home' dinner. Kara and Lena had already packed up most of the stuff that they wouldn't be needing right now and had it shipped to Kara's home in Ireland. Today while Kara worked in her home office and Alura had her tutoring Lena took the opportunity to go to see Eliza and Alex at Alex and Sam's place. She wanted their permission to marry Kara..or at least purpose to her...right now. Little did she know that Kara had an engagement ring and bracelet stashed away for tonight. She was gonna purpose to Lena tonight at the 'going home' dinner with their family and friends. Kara had bought the ring weeks ago and the bracelet belonged to her biological mom Alura Zor-El. However the dinner party wasn't for a few more hours and right now she was eyeball deep in some final paperwork.

Lena had decided upon herself to take Alex and Eliza out to lunch this afternoon to ask for their blessing and show them the engagement ring she had chosen to give Kara. "So what is so important you wanted to talk to us about?" Alex asked. "I know it's not traditional to do things this way. However I'd like to have your permission to marry Kara. I already have the ring and a plan to do it tonight at dinner, I just want your blessing before I go through with it." Lena explained. Eliza had tears in her eyes and her hands covered her mouth. Alex was just smiling at the dark haired woman. "Of course! Of course you have our blessing Lena! May we see the ring?" Eliza asked.

Lena pulled it out of her pocket and opened the velvet box exposing the single sapphire in the middle with tiny diamonds surrounding it. It was a round cut stone. Simple and just enough elegance with the silver band. In other words it was perfect for Kara. "Ohh she'll love it!" Alex cooed. "You think?" Lena asked. "Of course sweetheart!" Eliza chimed in with a smile. "I just hope she says yes...I'm not sure what I'd do if she said no..." Lena stated. Eliza took her hand in her own and squeezed it gently. "Lena...Kara would have to be crazy not to say yes to you. She's head over heels in love with you, so stop doubting yourself." Eliza stated.

A few hours later Lena returned to their condo to see Kara busy in the kitchen cooking foods for dinner tonight. Alura sat on the counter her legs dangling off the edge as she was telling Kara about her lessons today. "And thats all I learned today mommy!" Alura stated. "Hello my darlings!" Lena greeted placing a kiss on Alura's cheek before kissing Kara's lips. "Hi momma!" Alura squealed. "How was your day love?" Lena asked looking at Kara. "It was alright. How was your day Lee?" Kara asked. "Same as any other. This smells good." Lena stated as she looked into the pot to see some sort of sauce being stirred.

"I learned all about the basics of a cell momma!" Alura exclaimed. "You did? Did you enjoy that lesson?" Lena asked. "Yes momma! It was super fun! I was even allowed to watch a cartoon too!" Alura stated. "Oh? That's interesting. Come on love bug let's go get you cleaned up for dinner." Lena replied picking her up off the counter. Kara smiled as they headed towards Alura's room. 'This is right. Everything about this feels right. I've got the perfect little family with the love of my life. My best friend.' Kara thought to herself as she stirred the sauce.

A little while later the food was being sat on the table as the guests arrived. Alex, Sam and Eliza being the first ones to show up. They were soon followed by J'onn and M'gann, along with Winn and his girlfriend and James and Lucy and finally Cat Grant herself decided she needed to make an appearance at her favorite former assistants going away dinner party. Once everyone was seated the food began to get plated and small talk was being made. Alura loved the company, she adored her extra 'uncles' and 'aunties' mostly because they fawned on her.

As dinner went on Kara began to get nervous she was looking for a break in the conversation to purpose. Finally it came when they brought up dessert. "Wait! Before we get dessert out here...there's something I need to do." Kara stated as she stood up from her chair next to Lena. Taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly Kara began talking. "Lee...oh Rao...where I begin? When I first met you...I was awe struck...I mean you are so incredibly beautiful, I was at a loss for words...however after getting to know you I knew that there was something there. A spark, that quickly grew into a raging wildfire...albeit when you left I was heartbroken...my heart ached for you every day I was gone. When I came back I knew I was still in love with you. I still am in love with you...and now there's only one thing I want to do...and that's spend forever with you by my side..." Kara quickly dropped to one knee and opened the velvet box to expose the sliver band with a emerald cut into a 'princess' cut with tiny diamonds scattered around. "Lee? Will you..." The question only got half way off her lips before Lena bent down and kissed her senseless. "Yes! But only on one condition! Kar? Will you..." Lena barely got her ring out before Kara kissed her. After slipping the rings on each other's fingers they returned to their seats to see a group of smiling faces looking at them along with one confused four year old.

"What does that mean?" Alura asked. "It means your momma and your mommy are gonna be getting married. All of you will have the same last name sweetheart." Sam explained. Alura smiled at them in response. It was official. They were engaged to be married. And everyone around them was happy.

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