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Over the next two weeks they worked hard getting their house ready for their guests. Alura was overjoyed to see her family again she had her room all clean with the help of Lena and Kara. "Mommy...when does everybody get here?" Alura asked. "They'll be here in a few hours sweetheart. They're coming on Momma's jet remember." Kara replied. "Yes mommy!" Alura replied. "Why don't you go get dressed with Momma and we'll get ready to go pick everyone up." Kara added. "Momma! Momma! Can we go get ready together?" Alura asked running over to Lena. "Of course sweetheart! Let's go get the syrup washed off you and we'll get dressed. How would you like your hair done today?" Lena asked as she scooped the little girl up into her arms and headed to the bathroom.

A little while later everyone was ready to head to the airport. "Look Alura! Here comes momma's jet." Lena said as they stood outside the suv. "Yay!" Alura squealed. A few minutes later the jet was on the ground and the ladder was down which meant Alura could run to the jet safely. "GRANDMA!" Alura squealed as she jumped into Eliza's arms. "I missed you so much my darling girl!" Eliza replied happily. "Momma and Mommy are there. We come to take you home." Alura replied.

After everyone was loaded into the suv with their luggage they returned to the house. "Auntie Sam! Auntie Alex! Mommy and Momma are gonna have the same last name!" Alura squealed as she showed them her room. "Really? That's cool huh?" Alex asked. "Yea! I telled momma that I want a baby sister too." Alura replied. "A baby sister? That'll be cool!" Sam replied. "Come on kiddo let's go see what mommy's making for lunch." Alex replied quickly.

Out in the kitchen Kara and Eliza are making some fish and chips while Lena watches on. "I've got to learn to cook..." Lena sighed. "You don't have to darling, you already help out enough with Alura." Kara replied. "So in other words...you don't want me to burn the house down..." Lena teased. "I love you Lee...but your better at fixing our daughters hair then cooking." Kara replied with a smile.

"Whats for lunch mom, Kara?" Sam asked. "Fish and chips!" Kara replied. "Lena dear...could you get the plates out?" Eliza asked. "Grandma! That's my job!" Alura replied. "Well ok! Momma can get the vinegar out then." Eliza added. Alura nodded as she grabbed the plates out of the cupboard and walked to the table.

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