Saved pt3- Percy Jackson

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*The part 3 that I forgot i said I'd make* 

For the most part, Y/N was in complete awe of New York City. She had told Percy she had never been anywhere quite so amazing, yet that didn't say much, as Y/N had only ever been to her mom's house and to Camp Halfblood. 

Percy did everything with her, and Sally adored her. The woman adored how much happiness Y/N bought to her Son, especially after all that had happened to him in the last year. She had more than once shot a wink at Y/N when Percy talked excitedly at breakfast of all the things they were going to do that day. 

They had only two bedrooms, so Y/N slept on an air mattress in Percy's room. They didn't sleep much, as they talked for hours about anything. It was rare for Y/N to speak much about her mother, so for the most part she listened to Percy recount stories from school or about his mom. On only one occasion did she ever open up about her mom... 

"Your mom is wonderful Percy", she had told the boy after dinner. 

He smiled, "Yeah she's pretty great". 

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for my mother to have been even half as kind as yours", Y/N sighed solemnly. 

Percy wasn't sure what to say. When he met her, she had been trapped in that place for years, and he did cut off her mother's head. Luckily for him, Y/N spoke again. 

"She was so upset. I guess rightfully so, she had been cursed. But she was so upset with me, as if my birth was my fault. I think it was because my father left her, but she was so cruel Percy". 

Her voice caught, but she kept going, "We argued all the time, but when she'd get tired of it, she'd take me by the arm and drag me into the basement. I'd be there for hours, sometimes full days, surrounded by all the statues. The victims". 

Percy slid off of his bed and settled down on the air mattress beside Y/N. She lied down and stared up at the ceiling, leaning close to him when he lied down beside her. 

"I couldn't see one more of those statues, that's why I saved you. I didn't think I'd ever forgive myself if I had to be locked down there with you all", tears had begun to stream down her cheeks, and Percy pulled his arms around her, holding her close to his chest. 

"Hey", he whispered, "You're safe now, we're okay". 

She sniffed and wiped her eyes, "Thanks Percy". 


He had expected her to move away from him but she stayed rested against him, cuddled up at his side. Not that he minded, he found himself thanking the gods for bringing her into his life as she slept soundly. 

The next morning, Sally came into the room to say goodbye before she went to work. When she saw her son holding the girl on the small air mattress, her heart swelled. She walked out the room, a smile on her face as she slipped out of the front door. 

That had been almost two weeks ago from this day, where Percy and Y/N had decided to go to a carnival. Y/N had no idea what a carnival was, but Percy seemed so excited by it that she assumed it had to be good. 

They didn't do much that morning. Walked to the grocery store, made a frozen pizza, watched movies on the couch. 

"This one is called Star Wars, its great. You'll love it", he insisted. And to his credit, she did love it. He promised that he would show her more throughout the summer. 

Then night came, and they were ready to go to the carnival. She had put on a tennis skirt and tank top that Sally had gotten her at TJ Max. 

"Ready?", Percy asked. She smiled brightly at him, causing his stomach to flip. 

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