Shortie- Clarisse La Rue

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*a request from @pa1g3bu3ck3rsl0v3r thanks Sm!!* 

 "I am going to kill you", Y/N grunted. 

"I'd like to see you try", Clarisse snapped back. 

Y/N sliced her sword through the air, expertly dodging Clarisse's attacks, but failing to actually hit Clarisse. 

"You know Y/N", Clarisse smirked, "Not everyone can be good at fighting, it's ok". 

Y/N bit back the long line of curses she wanted to shout at the Ares girl. Clarisse dropped her spear and walked up to Y/N, nearly pressing their chests together. Clarisse was several inches taller than Y/N, and got a kick out of getting to stand above her. 

"You're so short", Clarisse chuckled, "No wonder you can't beat me, you're the size of a 4th grader". 

"Oh shut up". 

"Make me". 

Clarisse bent her shoulders so her face was level with Y/n's and grinned at her.They were too close for Y/N's comfort, from their current position she swore Clarisse could hear her heart beating rapidly. Y/N glared into Clarisse's eyes, but her gaze accidentally darted to the girl's lips. They were close enough to kiss if they really wanted to- no! Y/N did not want to kiss Clarisse, or run her hands through her curls, or feel Clarisse gripping her waist while she- 


,"That's what I thought, maybe someday you'll win ghost girl. Not today though", Clarisse strolled off, satisfiesd. 

Y/N groaned and left the training arena, storming into her Cabin and slamming the door behind her. 

"What happened?", Nico asked, sitting up from his bed. Y/N flopped down dramatically beside him. 

"I'm going to kill Clarisse La Rue", Y/N mumbled. 


Y/N launched into a long winded rant about Clarisse and everything the girl did that pissed her off. 

"She's such a bitch, and I swear she lives for the thrill of pissing people off. And gods she's so hot when she's teasing me it's infuriating. Oh and if she makes fun of my height one more time. UGH!".

Nico raised an eyebrow, "Say that again". 

"If she makes fun of my height one more time", Y/N repeated confused. 

"Before that". 

It was only then that Y/N realized what she had said, she just called Clarisse hot. 

"Shut up", she muttered to Nico. 

The boy gave her a rare wide grin, "I knew you liked her". 

"No I don't". 

"You called her hot". 

Y/N glared at her brother who let out a choked laugh at her stare. 

"Maybe", he said, "Just tease her back. Make her nervous".

Y/N thought for a moment, "That's actually a good idea. Thanks Nico!". 

So she hatched a plan, she was going to get back at Clarisse. 


"Your technique is getting sloppy Y/N", Clarisse pointed out. 

Y/N adjusted her grip and struck the sword at Clarisse again. 

"Still sloppy, shortie". 

Y/N wanted to throw Clarisse into the underworld right then and there, but she blushed when she looked up at her. Clarisse had her arms crossed, with a smirk on her lips, her eyes low. 

"Shut up", Y/N hissed. 

"Make me", Clarisse retorted, the way she always did, she knew it bugged Y/N. 

Y/N moved closer to Clarisse ready to say something to catch the ares girl off guard like a "Maybe I will", or something. Instead she did something incredibly stupid. 

Y/N grabbed Clarisse's face and kissed the smirk right off of her lips. She kissed her with such violent longing and passion, that it took the breath right out of both of them. It was like Y/N was showing her just how hot and bothered she was by Clarisse. 

 Y/N pulled away before Clarisse could react, her face red and her eyes wide with horror. Without another word, Y/N turned around and ran as fast as she could 


"I'm going to kill myself", Y/N mumbled, "Tell dad I'll be there soon". 

Nico patted her shoulder, "It could've been worse, she didn't push you away. Maybe she liked it?". 

Y/N let out another dramatic groan and buried her head in her knees. Before she got the chance to properly wallow in self pity, there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it". 

Y/N didn't hear who was at the door, but when she looked up to see who was coming inside, her brother was gone, and Clarisse was standing above her. 

"Hey shortie", She offered. 

Y/N looked at the floor, "I'm sorry". 

Clarisse slumped down before her, "Sorry? Why are you sorry?". 

"I practically jumped you". 

Clarisse chuckled and bent down so her lips were barely an inch away from Y/N's ear, "I liked it". 

Y/N felt her entire body go rigid with shock, "W-what?".

"You're cute when you're all flustered", Clarisse teased, using her hand to keep Y/N's face looking at her, "But making me nervous, that's impressive". 

Y/n couldn't say anything. Here was the unfairly attractive girl she had been fighting with for ages, sitting on her bedroom floor talking about how cute she was. 

"You actually liked it? Oh my gods", Y/N breathed. 

"Why don't you let me show you just how much I liked it". 

Clarisse used her hands to grab Y/N's waist and lift her off the ground to sit on her bed. She really took her time picking her up and rubbing her thumb on her waistband, backing her up against the pillows before she finally did what Y/N was so desperate for her to do. 

She kissed her. 

This time it wasn't as agressive, still passionate but calmer. Clarisse moved her lips against y/N's in a way that let her savor the taste of the girl's lips against her own. Y/N was dying as she slipped her hands into Clarisse's hair. 

"You're so beautiful", Clarisse whispered, "So perfect". 

She didn't let her lips venture any lower, pulling away from Y/N gently, still hovering above her. She used her hand to tuck hair behind y/N's ears and kissed her quickly again. 

"Wow", Y/N mused, her mind foggy. 

Clarisse smirked, "Wow? I mean, I guess that's good". 

"More than good".

Clarisse lied down on the pillow beside Y/N and placed her head on top of hers. Y/N kissed Clarisse's jawline before giggling and leaning back down into her. 

"Will you go out with me Y/N?", Clarisse asked. 

Y/n grinned, "I'd love to Clarisse". 

And she kissed her again. 


Guys I'm deceased. 

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