Birthday- Percy Jackson

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*This is written in Y/N's first person POV and for @valariexisxcool who asked for percy fluff!* 

For as long as I could remember, I had been a hopeless romantic. And for he most part, being a hopeless romantic got me hurt far too many times. After about the third heartbreak, I was ready to give up, accept that maybe love just wasn't for me. 

Until I met Percy. 

And for the first time, someone was willing to love me just as much, if not more, than I was willing to love them. He's been my best friend for a little over 2 years now, but it feels like it's been 12. Yet, there lay the problem, that was all he was. My best friend. I was completely infatuated by Percy, but he saw me as just a friend. Or so I thought. 

"Y/N! Are you almost done? Your friends are gonna be here any minute!", my little sister Leora called from across the cabin. 

"Be out in a sec!". 

I looked in the mirror, reapplying my lipgloss and recurling my eyelashes for the 800th time. I straightened my dress and was just about to walk out the door when I heard a knock. 

"Y/n!! Percy's here". 

I felt my heart catch in my chest and ran across the floor as fast as one could in platform sandals. Before I even made it to the front door, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and spun me around. 

I shrieked, clinging onto his neck tightly. Percy set me down onto the floor and pulled me into a regular hug. 

"Happy birthday star", he whispered, his breath tickling the skin just above my neck. I always loved that nickname, it was in reference of me being a daughter of Nyx. Some people may associate that with darkness, but Percy called me star, light in the dark. 

When He finally let me go I took a good look at him. He had on a blue polo shirt, with the first  3 buttons open, and some white shorts. 

He looked good.

Before I could even say anything else to him, a bunch of my friends spilled into the door to my cabin. 

I moved away from Percy as the girls engulfed me in hugs and shouted variations of 'happy birthday'. 

After everyone had gotten to my cabin, we all headed down to the lake where my sister Leora and Nico, Who was practically my little brother, had been setting up a bonfire and food. 

On the walk over there, Percy stayed close next to me, occasionally bumping our shoulders together. 

When we got to the beach he squeezed my hand quickly before running off to greet my siblings. 

I watched him talk excitedly to Nico and Leora when Clarisse came up to me, "I don't know who likes him more. You or your family". 

I just laughed as we all continued to walk over. The night was filled with games and laughter and food. Percy never went too far away from me either, and kept on touching me. 

Every so often he'd touch my hand, or my shoulder, or move my hair out of my face. He was driving me insane with his small touches, but I loved them. 

Once it had gotten dark, we all gathered around the small fire pit Nico and Leora had lit and talked. 

"So Y/N, how does it feel to be 17?", Piper asked. 

"Oh you know, I feel so wise now. Like an old wizard", I joked. 

"Wait", Leora tilted her head, "Were you not already an old wizard?". 

She giggled when I leaned over and slapped her arm. 

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