Flower Fields- Clarisse La Rue

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*have some love (somebody love me im going insane plz help me)* 

Y/N ran through the flower field, her fingers folded over Clarisse's palm as she did so. Clarisse's hair was out and flowing, unlike the tied back look she typically opted for. A pleased grin had replaced her usual scowl as she watched her girlfriend in front of her. 

The sun was setting, and they were far enough from camp that the only sounds to be heard were the birds in the trees and Y/N's twinkling laugh. 

There was no war, no fighting, not out here. 

Only love. Only peace.

 Y/N collapsed in the warm, summer, grass, Clarisse falling on top of her with a soft thud. 

In the fading daylight glow, Clarisse could admire all the soft features of the girl before her. The way her smile reached all the way to her eyes, and the ever present pink color on her smooth cheeks. The way strands of Y/N's Hair never failed to fall onto her sun kissed face. 

Clarisse hovered above her, Y/N's hands gracing Clarisse's body with dedicate touches that didn't last nearly long enough. Clarisse longed to feel the girl everywhere, her gentle finger tips brushing along every surface of her skin as if marking off every ounce of Clarisse's being as belonging to her. 

Y/N's skin ignited where Clarisse trailed her fingers, pushing strands of hair off of her face the way the wind blew the grass blades away from them in this moment. No words were spoken between the two, they didn't need words to convey their adoration for one another. 

Clarisse's lips caressed Y/N's temple, her nose, her hair, her jaw and cheeks, before finally landing on her lips. The kiss wasn't desperate or fiery as was often their way, it was slow, loving. They had all the time in the world to be with each other, and Clarisse intended to savor every second. 

Y/N didn't speak even when Clarisse let her mouth wander down Y/N's throat and collarbone. Only letting out small airy breaths to signify her pleasure, as her own lips connected with Clarisse's head and her hands held the girl's waist a little tighter. 

Clarisse rolled off of her, falling in the grass beside her. She landed on a dandelion, which puffed out seeds in protest. Y/N watched as the seeds floated above her face, being carried into the wind. Typically, one would make a wish on a dandelion, but she could hardly think of anything else she could ever want. 

She had Clarisse, what more was there?

The girls hands' found each other again, intertwining together in the green grass on which they lay. And when they looked at one another again, they were certain that they had achieved everything they had ever desired. 

The sun had set, the moon beginning to rise in its place. The orange in the sky being slowly replaced by deep shades of blue and purple. Yet Clarisse and Y/N stayed put, not wanting the moment to be over quite yet. 

In that moment, the girls did not understand the concept of Elysium, the yearning to achieve such a state. Perhaps it was because they did not need Elysium to feel eternal happiness, to find inner peace. 

There in the flower fields, Clarisse and Y/N achieved a state greater than Elysium or any heaven ever could be. There in the flower fields they achieved true love. 


This was a short one, but I was imagining it and thought it was so beautiful I had to write abt it! I thought about making this one of Clarisse's memories, and having it be like her remembering this after Y/n died in war. But (lucky for all of you) I've just finished The Song of Achilles and really didn't want to cry anymore. Anyways I have no questions but ILYSM!! 



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