Defense -Clarisse La Rue

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*Request from the girlboss @watermiami  hope you like this!!*

Y/N L/N was not stupid. 

Well okay, she wasn't exactly a genius either, but life is confusing, its not her fault she's a bit.. slow? 

Clarisse La rue knew the type of girl she was facing when she professed her love for Y/N one summer night after a game of capture the flag.  She had spent a fair portion of the game rather dedicated to making sure the sweet girl didn't get hurt or blow their cover. 

"I don't get why we can't just go over there and take it?", Y/N had complained, "You have a spear, what are they gonna do about it?". 

Clarisse had just shaken her head, "That's just not how to game works sweet girl. We have to be strategic". 

"This is so confusing". 

When they finally secured the flag, after Clarisse had left Y/N with three other ares kids to guard the flag, Y/N leapt into Clarisse's arms with a proud smile. 

"I told you we could literally just take it", she beamed.

"Yes you did", was all Clarisse said, though she knew that was most definitely not how the game went. 

Now Y/N walked with her girlfriend to dinner, hugging Clarisse's arm as she rambled about something. 

"You know what confuses me?", she asked Clarisse. 


"English! You know like listen. You can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed.. but why can't you ever just be whelmed?". 

Clarisse chuckled, "I'm sure it's because there's another word for being "whelmed". Like calm, I guess. Or balanced".

Y/N shook her head, "No.. it's not whelmed though. Hold on I see Annabeth!". 

The girl pecked Clarisse's cheek before running off to talk to the Athena girl. 

Standing by some tree, Clarisse could hear these two boys laughing.

"Gods, what an idiot", one remarked, "Don't know how La Rue can stand her". 

The other scoffed, "She just likes her cuz she's hot. I mean Y/N's has not one thought in that pretty little head of hers, but that body?". 

He let out a whistle. Clarisse froze in her track, her heart beating loudly in her ears and her blood boiling with rage. How dare they talk about her girl like that. 

"Got anything else to say?", she shouted at them. 

The two boys turned bright red, "N-no". 


And she charged towards them. 


"Y/N!", Will Solace shouted, bursting into the dining pavilion, "Your girlfriend's lost it again". 

Y/N looked up and hurried over to Will, "what happened?". 

"She put two campers in the infirmary! They were shaking like crazy, black eyes, busted lips! We're already low on ambrosia!", he exclaimed. 

Nico came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder, "Clarisse maim somebody again?". 

Y/N didn't stick around for the rest of the conversation, hurrying to Cabin 5 to check on her girlfriend. 

She pushed the door open, but there was nobody inside. 

"Clarisse?", she called out. 

"In here". 

Y/N walked into the bathroom of the cabin, where she found her girlfriend hurriedly storing away a first aid kit. 

Y/N hugged her around her waist, resting her chin on Clarisse's shoulder, "What happened babe?". 

Clarisse rubbed Y/N's arms, smiling slightly at the question. She knew Y/N knew that Clarisse had done something, yet anytime she asked Y/N always made the effort of not blaming Clarisse. It was one of the many things she loved about her. 

"Got into it with some Dionysus kids, they're fine", she muttered.

"That's not what Will said", Y/N kissed her shoulder, "What did they do?". 

"Talk shit". 


Clarisse turned herself around in her girlfriend's grasp, "The most amazing, sweet, loving, beautiful girl there ever was". 

Y/N blushed and let her head fall onto Clarisse's chest, "You don't have to get into fights for me, Clari. I know people talk shit sometimes, but it doesn't even matter". 

Clarisse let Y/N pepper kisses all over her face, mumbling I love you over and over again. 

"Seriously though", y/N sighed, "You don't have to defend my honor". 

"Who am I if not fighting in your defense, my sweet girl". 

And she kissed her again. 




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