Protector pt 2- Luke Castellan

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*we back again. Parte dos woooo* 

The girl's name was Rachel. She was the oracle for the camp, which Y/N knew meant she could receive prophetic visions. This one in particular had shocked her to her core. 

Rachel didn't come to for another hour, which was spent with Y/N, Luke, and Chiron sitting in the infirmary waiting for her to wake up. Y/N was trembling with fear. She hadn't even been at camp a full 24 hours and already her life was in danger. 

Luke had noticed this, and offered his hand for her to hold, she squeezed it gratefully while they waited for Rachel. Finally, after a while she woke up and stared at them. 

"Her!", Rachel gasped pointing at Y/N, "He's coming for her". 

"Who is coming for her?", Chiron urged. 

"I don't know. A god of some sort? She has  to leave, she can't go back to Olympus, she has to get out of camp. I don't know where, I just know she can't be here", Rachel explained. 

"Well what is she meant to do?", Luke interjected, "Chiron, we can't just let her go". 

The centaur nodded gravely, "You are her protector, Luke. You will go with her". 

Y/N stood up, "If I am in danger, I shouldn't put Luke in danger. I can go on my own". 

Luke stood up to stand in front of her, "No! Sorry, Chiron is right. I am your protector. Y/N, I have to go with you". 

The look in his eyes was almost pleading, like he was begging to endanger his life alongside her. She slumped down in the seat and held her face in her hands, maybe she should've just stayed on Olympus. 


Chiron sent them out almost immediately. Luke reluctantly separated from her for a few minutes so she could pack a bag and say goodbye to Thalia and Jason. 

"I'll be back", Y/N stated confidently, "Soon". 

Jason hugged her first, then pulled away to let Thalia hug her.

"We haven't even known you for 2 days", she muttered, regaining her composure she held her sister's face, "You'll be okay. I'll see you when you get back". 

There was such an older sister energy that surrounded Thalia, that despite only knowing her for 24 hours, Y/N almost cried when she had to leave her. 

When she met Luke at Halfblood hill, her eyes were watery, with tears threatening to spill at any moment. 

"You okay?", he asked 

She could only bring herself to nod as they began their trek into the woods. Neither Luke, nor Y/N knew where they were going, they just knew it had to be far from camp. So they took off in the opposite direction Y/N had arrived in. 

She tried to keep herself positive, picking flowers as she walked and admiring the birds that flew overhead. Luke noticed this, and began to pick flowers for her as well. Handing them to her as she gathered them in her hands.

For a while, they took a break. Y/N sat down with the flowers and began threading them into a crown. Luke was mesmerized by the way her slender hands moved about the stems. Her eyebrows crinkled in concentration, and he heard her hum quietly while she did this. 

"Is there something wrong?", she asked him. 

Luke tore his gaze away from her hands and shook his head, "I'm good". 

She shrugged, but tried not to blush when she felt him staring at her again. His jaw was clenched   , he was tense from Rachel's prophecy. Y/N wished she could run her hands against his face, calm him down with gentle touches and whispers of reassurance. But she couldn't, so she settled for standing up and suggesting they get farther before it got dark. 

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