Driving- Clarisse LaRue

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*Request for Clarisse by @HelpSadieImSinking and inspired by me crying because I couldn't make it down the block :( im fine* 

"It's gonna be fine", Clarisse assured her best friend. 

"Yeah", Y/N took a deep breath, "It'll be okay". 

Y/N inched forward in the car a few inches before a truck came speeding by her. She slammed on the brake and put the car in park. 

"I can't no, it's not fine", she started to unbuckle her seatbelt but Clarisse stopped her hands. 

"Y/N, breathe. We'll try again". 

It was a hot summer day in Arizona, where Y/N was staying with Clarisse. The girl had never had anybody to teach her how to drive, and Clarisse was determined to be the one. 

Y/N had her head against the steering wheel, Clarisse sighed and reached overt the console to hug her. Y/N didn't hug her back, still upset that she couldn't drive, but let Clarisse rub her back. 

"You're okay", Clarisse whispered, "We didn't even crash". 

"We could've". 

"But we didn't". 

Clarisse let her go and sat her upright in the seat. If Y/n was anything, it was dramatic, but Clarisse didn't mind having to comfort her. She was her best friend after all, wasn't she?

While she watched Y/N brush her own hair off her face, take a deep breath, and readjust her grip on the wheel, she couldn't help but smile. As much as Clarisse hated to admit it, Y/N was the cutest person she had ever met. In Clarisse's mind, there was nobody greater than her best friend, that was the problem. 

"Risse?", Y/n called, "I'm gonna try again". 

Clarisse nodded, and bought her hand over to rub Y/N's leg. Butterflies fluttered madly in Y/N's stomach, as the daughter of Ares rubbed the skin on her thighs. Clarisse squeezed Y/n's leg to urge her to start driving, which earned a quiet gasp from her, but she did so. 

Y/n made it down the rest of the block and turned the corner too. Clarisse kept acknowledging her with proud remarks like "Good job" or "You're doing great". When Y/N would pause and get nervous, Clarisse would remind her that she was okay. Clarisse was so proud of her, to anybody else Y/N driving a couple of blocks was no big deal, but Clarisse knew it was hard for her. 

She was proud of anything Y/N did, the same way Y/N was proud of anything Clarisse did. They were each other's number 1 fans always, since the day they met. Clarisse found that her stoich  exterior faded the minute she was with Y/N. She was sat beside her now, gazing at her as if she put the stars in the sky. Clarisse was falling hard for her, and that became increasingly apparent now, as they sat in that car. 

Y/n turned all throughout the neighborhood until she got to the main road. 

"Now get on the main road", Clarisse instructed. 

Y/N drove forward until she was at the corner, indicated that she was turning onto the street, then hit the brakes and pulled the car over. Her heart had been pounding loudly since the moment she got into the car, she couldn't handle the nerves anymore. 

"I can't do it", she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. Y/N opened Clarisse's door and unbuckled her seatbelt. The whole time Clarisse sat there with an amused expression until she saw Y/N's eyes. The girl was dangerously close to crying and Clarisse took notice of the way her hands shook when she pulled them away from Clarisse's seatbelt.  

"Hey", Clarisse said softly, "No, Y/n don't cry. It's okay". 

Tears fell from Y/n's eyes and she tried to laugh, wiping her face quickly, "I'm fine, gods this is so embarrassing, I'm sorry". 

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