Chap sixteen

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Dumbledore had a somewhat worried look on his face as both students transfigured a ribbon into a stick on their first try's when everyone else was still struggling.

" How are you doing that Rarba ". Malfoy asked off her .

Tom sat at the center in the back where he could keep an eye on things , he knew without a doubt that their teacher was suspicious of his and Rarba's fast progress.

Tom saw what he could gleefully call an annoyed look pass over Rarba's face .
It seemed Rarba still didn't forgive Malfoy for not protecting her honor infront of Greengass who also sat in the back corner , head down with what could be called a humiliated face as Gryffindor students pointed at her and snickered.

" It's because she's dark! ". Said a boy with orange flames for hair , hand me downs and sprinkles of freckles all over his cheeks and nose.
He had a Gryffindor badge on his robe.

Rarba looked up from her smooth stick that she was admiring .
Her eyes drilled into the boys brown ones.
Extraordinary exotic blue eyes , eyes that Tom could never tire of explaining .
How they shift almost all the time , this time her eyes were bright as bright as the deepest water blue.
The kind of blue that only your eye can see at the beach the farthest away dark blue water and yet at the same time they were bright .
To make a comparison between the boys eyes And Rarba's would be a disgrace like no other to her worthy eyes .
" That's not very nice of you". she frowned at him .

" I'm not nice to dark wizards " . He laughed along with another boy.
" I'm a girl if you haven't noticed but seeing as you can't even walk straight , I'd doubt you can make a difference between gender".

The class noticeably hushed up on the Gryffindor side while snickers went up on the Slytherin side.
The boy had a noticeable lump in his leg , it had to be dragged by the boy .
" Five points from Slytherin". The teacher said.

Rarba put both her hands on the table in front of her.
Slender white fingers stood still not a single shake betrayed her.
" So accusing someone of being dark is okay in the wizarding world professor , I didn't know that but I thank you for letting me on in that .
That way I wouldn't have had went around calling the headmaster dark and saying that professor Dumbledore said it was fine if he got offended as I would have expected But turns out my beliefs are wrong here ".
When she finished a smile went up on her face looking at the teacher as if he really have shined the light on her lack of knowledge .

The professor for a moment looked stricken .
Everyone was glancing between the teacher and her .
The professor nodded once in an agreeing way.
" You are right Ms.Rarba an accusation like that should not have been made . I apologize for withdrawing points from you.
And no it is wrong to say that to people so I wouldn't advise you to not call people dark .
Mr. Weasley five points from Gryffindor and five points to Slytherin for spotting out my mistake and correcting me on it so thank you." The teacher said.
Rarba smiled at him and said .
" It is my pleasure to inform you professor that you are wrong , for I would have hated to have gotten myself in trouble therefore getting you into trouble " . The way she said it was nice enough but he knew it had another meaning and by the looks of it the professor had caught on too .
What she meant was that she liked telling him he was wrong period nothing more and nothing less.

As Dumbledore continued the lesson , Rarba was looking at the Weasley boy with a thoughtful expression .
Whenever the boy with the name Jack noticed her looking at him , she smiled .
As if staring at people with no reason was completely normal.

Tom had to admit he never thought Rarba had a way with her tongue .
That she knew how to place words and knew where to push them.
He knew of her vengeance antics and he supposed with it came her way with words.
When the lesson finished he saw a Black scurry after Rarba.
Malfoy shook his head .


News got around quickly and Rarba was soon portrayed as the victim of Weasley's jealously towards her two perfect legs.
Not without her help though.
Kids came to ask her if it was true that Dumbledore apologized to her and gave back the marks he took ?
Her answer was always different , once she'd say that Dumbledore is an old man and she forgives him for starting to lose his wits for choosing Weasley's side.

Another was that Dumbledore was biased and put Gryffindor above all , notice it next time she added when who ever she was telling this too started to look as if they were agreeing.

Another frequent answer was that Dumbledore simply pitied Weasley because of his leg.

By the end of the day some of the prefects even looked at Rarba heroically.

The human world was now safe of Rarba's wrath but the Wizarding world didn't know what hit them.

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