Side Chapter 2

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Memory time


Moon PoV

I awoke from my slumber, And I rose to brew myself some tea, an I started to walk to the grand hall. I look up to the sky and thought it would be a regular day...sun shining, Autumn winds blowing, and the birds migrating(Don't say I must go south...I am an animagus), And yet when I walked outside I saw the ground was covered in white...just white everywhere...and it was-

"Cold, it's too fucking cold out here."

Yet to my surprise I see other Ravenclaws playing in this white stuff, and for a moment I thought I was hallucinating, until Rowan shouted-

Rowan: "Hey, Moon, come play with us in the snow?"


Did I mention it was miles away? Yeah should've led with that.

Rowan: "I said, come and play with us in the snow!"


Rowan: "I SAID-oh forget it."

So while they were out having fun, I was here shivering my Aussie ass off, because like I said, It's too damn cold out here. And that is when someone decided to jump out from behind me, so I did the only thing I knew to do: Grab their arm, and almost break it...until I saw it was Merula...then I let go.

"Sorry, love, got a Bit frightened."

Merula: "Well at least it wasn't a chokehold."

"So, mind telling me what all this is?"

Merula: "You mean snow?"

"The fuck is...Snow?"

Then I saw the 'Really' look on her face, It was like a sassy camel sizing you up in the hot desert.

Merula: "You mean to tell me, You, this Avian animagus who has the freedom to travel anywhere and see anything

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Merula: "You mean to tell me, You, this Avian animagus who has the freedom to travel anywhere and see anything...has no clue what snow is."

"Ok mate, no need to rub salt in the wound, I am very much surprised I fell for you with all that sass."

Merula: "I'm just saying, you could be anywhere, and see anything, but you have no clue what snow is."

"I just asked what it was, may I please get an answer?"

Merula: "Okay, snow is this."

And without warning she shoved me into the snow, and I landed face first into it...and tried to breathe, but got a nose full of this white stuff(The...snow), so I got up and started to cough like mad.

Merula: "What did you do?"

"I think I snorted some of it."

I saw her try to suppress a laugh, while speaking. And I just gave this sassy stare back at her.

Merula: "You're not suppose to snort i-*Lets out a laughing wheeze* I'm so sorry it's too fucking funny."

I saw her laughing at my misfortune, so I retorted.

"Is this what you did when you shoved me into that room full of devil snare?"

Merula: "I was not that great back then."

"Or the time you: sabotaged my potion, forced me into dueling you, socked me in the groin, threw me a surprise party knowing damn well I don't like them, and hmm....let's see...oh Just Now?"

Merula: "Like I said, Wasn't good back then, and it's on your behalf for being so damn laughable."

"Fair point, You know you can't get it without this."*Does a small shimmy, before slipping into the snow*

And Merula was laughing her ass off, and that day on, I always do this in the snow....and it never fails. And now you know why I have a love hate relationship with snow.

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