Different Luffy 2

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Luffy: Understood or what?

Everyone: Yes, Captain.

Jinbe headed to the helm after receiving orders to turn to the right from Nami, Zoro and Sanji directed the sails, Usopp and Chopper filled the cola, Robin helped everyone with her abilities, and Luffy sat majestically on the deck of the ship, watching everyone.

Everyone finished and went back to doing their usual things, but Luffy interrupted them.

Luffy: Did I order you to leave?

Everyone trembled at this tone again. Would he really be serious even about the simplest things?

Luffy: Brock, play me some music, and you, sniper, check the ship's cannons, and the doctor, arrange your medications and your messy room, the ship's carpenter, check everything on my ship now, even the simplest things, I want it  in  a good condition, archaeologist, check all the  Road Poneglyphs we had gotten. For now, Jinbe, keep your place at the helm. Navigator, I want a map with details of the island where the G-7 base is located. And you, cook, bring me the best juice you have now. Zoro, keep an eye on them. Anyone who is negligent in his work, do not hesitate to tell me, and I will punish him in the best way possible. .

Everyone was surprised by these orders. This was the first time Luffy had given them orders like this. How did the situation turn just like this? An hour ago, they were sitting and having fun, and now they were like an evil crew of pirates. They all sighed and each of them headed towards the task he was assigned to.

after 6 hours.

Everyone was now in the crow's nest except Zoro and Jinbe, who were next to Luffy discussing several important matters.

Franky: Ahhh, I'm exhausted, I can't finish any more.

Usopp: Me too, ahhh, I didn't know there were broken cannons and they were dirty but I didn't clean them, I'm very tired.

Chopper: Me too, my feet hurt, I can't.

Robin: My mind hurts from all this studying. I was afraid that my mind would explode and blood would splatter in the room and you would not know how to clean up after me.

Franky/Osopp/Chopper: Don't say something scary like that.

Nami: Ah-ha-ha, me too. Luffy didn't finish asking for maps. I've been drawing all this time because the maps we have are old, and he told me he wanted a new one. I was afraid to even answer him.

Brooke: Yohohoho, my muscles hurt from playing too much, even though I don't have muscles yohoho.

Sanji: He also exhausted me after he asked for juice. He made me sort out all the foods we have and count them as well. It seems that he will make us eat specific amounts of food.

Nami: Ahhh, we need a solution to this problem. I don't know what will happen if this situation continues for a few days, not to mention that we are approaching the naval base. I don't know what Luffy will make us do there.

Everyone remained silent, frowning and trying to find any solution to this problem they had put themselves in.


Luffy: Zoro, as I told you, I don't want any of them to feel this way.

Zoro: Yes, don't worry, Captain, I will implement the plan exactly.

Jinbe: Ha-ha-ha, I can't believe you made a plan, Luffy.

Luffy: Do you think I made a mistake in anything, Jinbe?

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