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Smiling is a blessing in this life. It may be deprived of it or it may be given to you always. Smiling was something that was missing for many people for nearly 800 years, 100 years, 4 years, or just one day. The period varies according to the social category of people.

If you are a slave, your smile disappeared a long time ago. Even you personally do not remember the last time you smiled. If you are an ordinary person, you smile when you feel help and do not smile when you are sad. But if you are one of the nobles in this world, your smile does not leave your face. Why, because he enjoys all the pleasures of this life, he has prestige, authority, and servants, and even if he no longer feels happy for some simple reasons, he will invent his own ways to smile and laugh again. The simplest thing is killing people, as if their souls were a toy in your hands that you control as Why, just because he has a little power and knows very well that if the number of people he killed were to come together, they would give him a taste of a hundred deaths instead of death.

But every bad thing has a time to end and a new life begins after it. This was the wisdom that made people who lost their smile wait for the time when they would taste the taste of freedom, happiness, and smile.

Among these people were the slaves who were in the Holy Land of Marijo. This land was considered a dream for every person who lived on the land below the Red Line, but in the end it was just hell, but in the image of something beautiful and elegant, in which there was the supreme authority of the world government that was... In the past, it considered itself a symbol of justice and protecting the rights of people in this world, but this was all a lie. It was just a camouflage for their malicious criminal acts. There were even people among them who were more malicious than the pirates we are, except for a very few of them, and they are people we can even count on our fingers.

The five elders were the source of all the problems for the inhabitants of our beautiful world, as they considered themselves to be the gods and that everyone else was lowly insects, even though they were human beings like him who eat, drink and sleep. Do you really believe that there is a god who sleeps and ignores his creation? What absurdity is this? .

These people have caused suffering to all the people of the world, as they considered the smallest thing that might cause a burden on their plans as a threat and ordered him to be destroyed. If their plan did not succeed, they would destroy him and the island on which he was located, along with many innocent people and children who had only lived in this world for a few years. A few years in which they hoped to do anything for their families or themselves.

But later it became clear that there was a head above them, a person ruling over these five adults, who was largely responsible for many of these terrible things.

A very malicious person. All he wants is power, but secretly, even without anyone knowing. All he cares about is sitting on that great throne of the world. What greed and avarice is this? He wants to be the king and does not pay any attention to his subjects. All of this. He was just a bad joke, someone who had no mercy for anyone, not even for a child born a minute ago, or a mother who had too many children to take care of, or an old man who just wanted to see his grandchildren grow up happily, or a father who wanted to raise his children and have his own little family.

But as my mother told me before she died at the hands of that ugly fish, happiness will come even after many years, so you must fight and be patient until you are happy in the end, because everyone in this life deserves to have a little happiness, right? like that.

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