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Broadcaster: (shouting) Yes, dear viewers, now is the wedding of the Pirate King of the current era. He is world-famous for his love of adventures and liberating peoples, his distinctive laugh, and his love for food. He is Monkey D. Luffy.

Viewers: (screaming) Yes, the Pirate King, our liberator, the best pirate, it's time for us to be happy with him.

This was now a live broadcast of the biggest events that will happen in a few hours, which is the marriage of the Pirate King Monkey D. Luffy to the Weather Queen, who is also his navigator, Nami.

(Live broadcast by the great Den Den Mushi like the one broadcasting Dr. Vegapunk's broadcast)

The Straw Hats were now on Dawn Island, in the village of Fuschia, home of the  Pirate King. Everyone was busy with preparations. This village was very simple and I did not know anything about it, but now there are people in it from all over the world and of all kinds, and some of the most important and largest personalities as well. All this just for the sake of the new Pirate King who has everything in this world

(I hope the spelling of the name of the village of Luffy is correct 🥲😅)

We now have pirates, marines, mermaids, fishmen, the revolutionary army, minks, and humans of all races (long-legged, long-armed, giants, etc.)

This crowd was so large that the village could not include everyone in it, which led to the crowds extending to the forests in which the Pirate King was training, of course after the bandits had prepared everything to be worthy of their son, Tebby, and the Pirate King.

Each of the Straw Hats invited people they love to attend the wedding of their leader and friend, of course with their families.

There was plenty of food and drinks for the people attending the party. Chef Vinsmoke Sanji was cooking enough food for millions of people with his assistants, and most importantly of all, he was creative in preparing his food to make it food worthy of the wedding of the Pirate King.

The kings who came to this party brought with them many valuable gifts that befit the Pirate King and his Queen, and of course this made the Pirate Queen very happy.

The Pirate King's carpenter and sniper were preparing a wedding surprise for the King and Queen, of course, with the help of the first sea son, Jinbe, along with a lot of mermaids.

The Pirate King's musician, also called the Soul King, was preparing his music and writing new songs especially for this wonderful wedding, and he was sure that these songs would be engraved in the minds of everyone present.

The king's doctor was helping the archaeologist and the world's number one swordsman receive the attendees and examine them because they did not want any problems on this great day. Of course, we will overlook the fact that Zoro is inspecting the attendees, which makes him blush because his status in the world is great, and this is what causes great pleasure for the archaeologist.

The king was now in a private room and was being prepared so that he could come forward and go to the bride, who was also preparing, but in another room far from the king and separate.


In Luffy's room

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