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Usopp: Guys, aren't we going to interfere this time or what?

Zoro: Leave them alone. They are so stupid. Why are they fighting over such trivial things?

Robin: Fufu, I never think it's trivial things

Franky: Haha, they're so ridiculous you guys, aren't they?

Brook: Yohohoho, Nami-san's jealousy is scary.

Sanji: Luffy too, he scared me too man.

Chopper: But isn't this strong evidence of their love for each other?

Jinbe: Yes, but wasn't what they did today too much?

Robin: Fufu, I don't think so. I mean, if they discovered their feelings for each other, I think the jealousy would be greater than this.

The crew was now resting on a summer island, everyone was sitting on the beach after being tired of playing and eating, but the silly captain and the crew's navigator were jealous of some people.


Nami: Sir, can you help me lift these heavy things?

Man: Haha, okay ma'am.

Nami was now walking around on the beach seducing many men in order to rob them. It was not as if she was letting anyone touch her, but on the contrary, she was seducing them just with her appearance, deceiving them with kindness, and then stealing their money and running away while laughing.

Everyone was watching her and they did not care because they knew that this was her nature, but Luffy, who was watching, had his face red with anger because of the perverted faces that these men were making to watch him, so after Nami stole the men, Luffy followed her and beat them until they lost consciousness, and this led to The noise at the beach increased, causing the owner of the place to warn them to be peaceful or he would expel them.

Nami was very annoyed with Luffy and argued with him a lot, to the point that their arguments were heard by their friends.

Nami: (angry) Don't make too much noise, Luffy, I'm just stealing them.

Luffy:(angry)  No, I know they will do something to you, I don't like them.

Nami: (angry) I can take care of myself.

Luffy: (Angry) And I, the captain, prevent you from wandering around these perverted men.

Nami: Ah, don't abuse your power, I'll steal whoever I want.

Luffy: If you don't listen to my words, I will punish you.

Nami: Really, what are you going to do?

Luffy: All the money will be spent on Meat

Nami: You can't.

Luffy: I will.

Nami: Okay, I'll stay sitting, don't go near the money.

luffyxnami (one shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang