★ | still with you

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A Lee Heesung Oneshot

now playing"Still with you" by Jeon Jungkook

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now playing
"Still with you" by Jeon Jungkook

from author's perspective :

"I'm telling you again Sang-Hee these things are not my thing!" Y/N stood her ground when her new friend, the one she just met a week ago, tried dragging her to their city's one of the famous club.

"I didn't drag you here for nothing! I'm telling you it'll be fun." Giving Y/N the puppies eyes Sang-hee can, she clung on her arm and tried pulling her inside the club but something inside Y/N wasn't wanting to agree upon her friend's request.

"I think you should go, I've never been to a club nor have I ever drank alcohol and I'm genuinely not into these things. I'm going home." She turned around to walk away only to get pulled by Sang-hee and her entire friend group just to take a visit there. Sighing and cursing herself mentally Y/N reluctantly joined their supposed "fun" party.

The club was crowded yet it had enough room to not suffocate someone by the throat which Y/N was thankful of. She never was interested in this so-called romanticized adult life but rather than to sit alone in her dorm on weekends and sulk on past memories it was better if she'll try to be welcoming for new experiences.

It didn't even take her five minutes when she jogged to the dance floor upon hearing loud music all around and surprisingly her mood lightened up.

Not that it was necessary to drink and do stuff if one is in a club, she just can dance the night away instead.

No problem.

Dancing has always been her favorite so it wouldn't hurt much right?

It definitely did.

Even after being in basic no heel sandals her feets were hurting like hell after dancing for a whole hour with random prettiest girls in the club she ever came across to.

It was only a girls club so one thing she was relieved about was that she won't get harrassed ; surely the biggest blessing. Y/N felt like passing out when she wasn't able to stop herself over every song they continuously played that the girl around her on the dance floor had to advise her to rather take a break for some minute.

Sulking Y/N went to the bar side upon finding Sang-hee and her other friends sitting together while drinking as she went and sat along with them.

"Woah you really do love dancing." One of the girls complimented looking at her exhausted figure when she couldn't help but to chuckle and nod at her words. Calling the bartender she asked, "Can I have a soft drink can?" 

"Soft drink what?" Sang-Hee yelled in between when other girls laughed loudly catching Y/N off guard for a moment.

"Why? Don't they serve basic drinks?" She asked back, getting really confused when Sang-hee put an arm around her shoulder and pulled to her side, "Don't tell me you watch cocomelon too, my baby." She joked which Y/N responded with an eye roll. "I told you before I don't drink." 

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