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A Park Jongseong Oneshot

now playing"Only You" by friends

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now playing
"Only You" by friends

from author's perspective :

Sitting at the couch while watching Jay continuously attending work calls without any break on weekends made you groan in annoyance.

Sighing you patted his back from behind as he looked around and raised an eyebrow at you, still talking about some business or whatsoever. You then signaled him to cut the call, "Sure, I'll talk to you later yeah bye."

After the call ended you took his mobile and placed it far away while he was standing there looking clueless. "I need attention too, you know?" Scrunching up your nose you looked up at him while Jay couldn't help but to chuckle at your desperate behavior.

"You're right, my wife deserves every second of attention from her husband." Swifting you off by the thighs Jay picked you up effortlessly and settled on the couch with you on his lap, "Should we watch a movie together then?"

Brushing off the few strands of hair from your forehead Jay asked to which you quickly nodded and smiled.

"I have a few movies, should we go for animated or rom-coms?" You asked with your sparkling eyes trying to convince him but not really getting into your traps Jay held your chin softly with his fingers and made a serious face.

"How about horror movies?"

"Ho-horror?" Chuckling nervously you looked away, "Who even watches horror movies?" Jay guessed right as you were trying really hard to not appear like scaredy cat while curling up in his lap when he spoke again, "Actually 48% of viewers around the world and 2/3 population of adults watch-"

Closing his mouth with your palm you furrowed your eyebrows and replied in an irritated manner, "Okay Mr.Encyclopaedia I heard it, let's watch."

Sighing you curled up more to his figure while resting your head on his chest whereas Jay kept stroking your hair and played the movie, "IT" the one you could never bring yourself to complete. The movie started and in the first 15 minutes you were scared to hell.

You aren't called a coward for nothing.

You surely made yourself look calm but only you knew how much heart attack it was already giving you only with the intro, whereas Jay on the other hand was whistling to the creepy background sound looking completely unbothered.

As the movie kept on getting scarier you couldn't really catch up to it anymore, so looking up at him you poked his cheeks softly in order to gain his attention on you. Jay was really invested in the movie now that his fingers also stopped caressing your head, making you annoyed at the fact that a bunch of creepy scenes were having more attention from your husband than you ever got this whole evening.

"This movie is boring." You lied terribly when he glanced at you for a second and then his eyes went at the big screen again. "No it's not love, it's picking up the pace, see?"

Damn it.

You want his attention on you not on that disgusting joker. "You think ghosts are real?" You tried asking again to distract him from the movie when he leaned back on the couch and looked at you, "I don't really think so, besides he's a psychopath not a ghost, see for yourself."

He then made you face the massive TV in front by cupping your cheeks when all of a sudden that joker came out of nowhere and you screamed quickly burying your head in his embrace.

"You're scared? Come on baby, you're a grown up woman and this is all fake, let's get to watching again hmm?" He chuckled when scoffing and without uttering a word of even looking back at his face you got up from his lap and went to the kitchen.

"Babe- this isn't fair." Jay whined as he got up and followed you behind, pressing you against the counter and snaking his arms around your waist he buried his face in your nape, "You're mean."

You mumbled making him chuckle. "Fine I'm sorry, now come with me we'll watch the movie again." Kissing your nape he turns you around when you shake your head in denial.

Not giving a moment to process he picked you up in his arms and got back to the couch to sit in the same position as before ignoring your continuous tantrums and whining.

As you sat on his lap and Jay on the couch, he held both of your wrists in his left hand and with the other locked your waist, "Be quiet and stay here or you aren't going to eat ramen for straight a week."

"You think I'm going to listen to you?"

Jay raised an eyebrow at your answer as he leaned super close to your face and chuckled in a deep coated voice, "Oh I'll definitely make sure you listen well to me."

Rolling your eyes, while sulking you reluctantly started watching the movie again as a scene of a young boy running for his life flashed and as a crybaby you were, in no second you got tears brimming to your eyes.

The boy was running, falling and crying for help when that stupid joker from before held him from behind and killed him in no second when you couldn't control and started sneezing loudly while crying. Jay sighed as he noticed your tears and instantly closed the TV off.

"Fine then, I have some chores left and after that we'll get to sleep okay?" He made sure to keep his voice soft, lowering his face to your level and pecking your lips as you nodded.

After the movie Jay got back to complete his house chores left while you on the other hand kept following his figure everywhere, not even leaving for a second.

He was in the kitchen, you too. Jay in the room? You too.

After noticing your pattern for the past 10 minutes he stopped walking in the middle of the living area when you stopped too, looking at him with big, glistening eyes from tears before. "Why are you following me everywhere?"

"You expect me to be alone in this big house after the sweetest movie?" Jay chuckled at your sarcasm. "Do you really get scared from those movies?" And without any hesitation you nodded, making him melt at your behavior since he found it adorable.

"Come here."

Jay said with a controlled smile as he engulfed you in a big hug and after a minute or two he again picked you up and went straight to bedroom, laying you on the bed while keeping you all wrapped up in his arms.

Not even a second after getting in his embrace downstairs, you were asleep, smiling while caressing your face when Jay got a call from his friend Jake, "Did it work?"

Chuckling while looking at your sleepy face in his arms Jay replied, "It definitely did. Thanks for the idea man."

the end.

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