Chapter 23

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"I told you to be careful." Sheila said to me as soon as my eyes opened.

"I was careful, why the fuck did I die?" I asked her, getting up to start pacing.

"If I knew I would tell you. No need to be a bitch to the woman that helped you." She said and shook her head.

"I mean maybe I just walk back into my body or some shit. Matt said that's what he has to do all the time when he dies." I said and walked back over to my body.

"I don't-"

I gasped awake, startling all the men around me, "Hello." I said and sat up against the headboard.

"The fuck was that?" Nik asked me.

"I died dumb ass. Now I'm alive, it is very weird for me as well. I'm good though, maybe I just need a little bit of blood to re-energize a little bit." I said to Niklaus before getting up and going to the kitchen.

As I was downing my third blood bag there was a knock at the door. As I swung the door open my words got caught in my throat. "May we come in?" Caroline Forbes asked as she held a dead looking Matt Donovan.

Noticing my stunned face she snapped, "Well? Can we?" She asked, "He's getting kinda heavy." She said, as she was almost having to gasp for air. She's a vampire for christ sake use some of the damn strength.

"Davina!" I called.

"Yeah mom?" She asked, coming down the stairs.

"Let them in." I said, still eyeing the guy laying in her arms.

"Come in." Davina said before going back up stairs.

As soon as the invite passed Davina's lips Caroline had Matt on the couch.

"What the hell happened to him?" I asked her.

"A vampire we have never met showed up and just as Matt was going to steak him his neck was snapped." Caroline rushed out.

"So he's dead?" Jeremy asked her.

"Well no, he has a ring that brings him back, but it doesn't take this long for him to come back usually." Caroline explains to us.

As soon as Caroline finishes her sentence Matt wakes up with a gasp, "Hey woah calm down. You're okay." I rush over and try my best to calm him down.

"Where am I?" He asked us.

"Matt, you're in New Orleans. What's the last thing you remember?" I asked him.

"New vampire, said his name was Enzo. He killed me." He said trying to catch his breath from being dead.

I heard Damon's breath hitch, "Enzo?" He asked in a scared voice.

"Know him?" I asked him.

He nodded and walked out of the room, I followed him to the other room to where he was looking for alcohol. "Try the other cabinet, or maybe the cabinet above the fridge." I said, making him give me a look.

"I didn't need help." He said.

I scoffed, "Apparently you need more than just my help. You're my best friend Damon, and I remember an Enzo. I thought you said that he was dead." I said.

His face turned to one of complete and utter quilt, "He was Thea, he was dead. How the hell is he alive?" He asked me.

I sighed not knowing how to answer him. How the hell am I supposed to know how this vampire, who was supposed to burn, is alive and well? "Damon honey, you can't let this kill you. He is alive, he is in Mystic Falls, and I'll be damned if he doesn't talk about what he wants." I said before hugging him as he cried.

Kai walked into the room just as I was leaving after giving Damon comfort. "Hey, sorry a lot is going on at the moment. Have you met Davina?" I asked him.

"I haven't left my room actually. I didn't even know you were up." He said.

I shook my head, "Come on let's go meet her then." I said and grabbed his arm to drag him up the stairs.

When we got to her door I knocked a couple times, "It's mom, can I come in?" I asked through the door.

"Yeah." She said, and I opened the door.

"Hey Honey, I have someone for you to meet," I pulled Kai into the room, "this is Kai Parker. He's here to help you with control." I said.

"Hey, I'm Davina. How are you gonna help?" She asked him.

Kai looked at me, so I nodded, "Well, I am what they call a siphon and I can siphon magic from you and it will help you to feel more in control than you normally might." He explained to her.

"Davina, do not feel like you have to do this. I want you to understand that I am not making you do anything." I told her and grabbed her hand.

After a few minutes she looked up at him, "I think I want to do it." She said, but her tone was still slightly scared.

He gave her a look, "Are you sure?" He asked her.

"Does it hurt?" She asked him in an almost inaudible voice.

He sighs, "I want to say no, but I have no clue if it does or not." He says to her.

I look between them, "Do you want me to try it before he does it to you?" I asked her.

She nods, "please?" She asks.

Kai puts his hand on my arm and there is suddenly a pain and a red glow around it before he stops, "It hurts, but it doesn't hurt for long." I told her.

She held her arm to him, so he put his hand on it and began siphoning for a minute or two. When he pulled away she winced before sighing, "It wasn't that bad. So, when I feel the power building up I can come to you?" She asked him.

He nods with a smile, "Any time, even if I'm sleeping." He said and stood to walk out.

"Thank you Kai, I really appreciate it." She said and hugged him. It took him a minute, but he finally hugged her back.

We walked out of the room to let her get used to being in control of her magic, "She wasn't wrong, we both really appreciate you doing this even if it is just for the magic." I said to him, and hugged him.

"It isn't just for the magic Athena, I really want to help you and her. She's cute." He said with a smile before going to him room, making me shake my head.

Twisted Love - Tyler Lockwood/Jeremy GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now