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'Shut up.' Voice growled. 'And listen to me. Keep your eyes closed and take a deep breath. Calm down, nothing happened. If you keep on panicking, the valley will become alarmed.'

Shannon didn't reply but paid heed to the voice's words. She calmed herself and took a deep breath. On its own, the flames in her eyes calmed down. The sight was blurry and distorted but gradually her eyes came back to their senses.

'Shannon, what happened to you.' Farrah asked, there were lines of worry on her forehead.

'I don't know, all of sudden I was seeing fire- in my eyes.' Shannon replied as she stood up. 'Where am I' she asked, she was resting all this time in a sleeping bag.

'You screamed all of a sudden.' Farrah recalled. 'Your eyes were in orange and yellow shades, it looked like- the fire inside you was trying to devour you. When saw the torch, we understood you were trying to light it up-

'Yes, I was. You both were freezing. So, I thought- she sighed. 'It's because of me, you both are in this mess. I am putting your life at risk. And at the same time, I couldn't even use my own power to help you both.'

'Never say that again.' Alen said, entering. 'We are friends, not strangers. So, we are not doing a favor to you.' He said sitting beside Farrah.

'I am lucky to have you both as my friends.' Shannon replied. 'But where are we now.'

'In a few moments, the fire in your eyes calmed down but you fell unconscious.' Farrah answered.

'So, I thought it was time to call it a night.' Alen replied. 'I put up the tent and camouflaged it. So, we are not visible to anyone for the time being.'

'Now Shannon, if you are hungry have this.' Farrah said pointing to fruits kept on the side.

'No Farrah but thanks.'

'Then take rest. We will start our search in the morning.' Alen said.

'Farrah, I will be sleeping in the hammock outside. Both of you go to sleep.' Alen said as he walked out.

Farrah extinguished the fire from the night lamp. And as the night crawled in, Shannon fell asleep.

Later in the night, she heard voices. 'I am worried, Alen. She is going through a lot.'

'I see it. But who can she be talking to in her dreams.'

'I don't know. But she was speaking to the same person when her eyes caught fire.'

'How are you so sure.'

'She calls it- voice. And how she was mumbling today during the fire incident is similar to the way she talks to the VOICE in her dreams.'

'You should have told me this earlier. We could have informed Mrs. Winson or Mr. Milward, they would know a way to free her from this daily torture.'

'That's the problem, Alen. She doesn't remember any of this in the morning. She cries badly in the night. Twisting and turning in pain, crying out of frustration, talking to some so called-voice. But as soon as the clock strikes five in the morning, she calms down on her own. And she gets up in the morning- having no idea what she went through in the night.'

'But when did you start noticing this.'

'First day she arrived in Whitewood. But on that night Rachel heard her voice and everyone came to know about it. When she was crying in pain, I couldn't tolerate it. So, I tried diving inside her mind. But I couldn't-

'How is it even possible? You belong to the high-ranking dreams reading family and that to from Riverwood. Who has such kind of power to block your entry into her mind.'

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