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Farrah looked at Everlee stunned; she didn't realise she spoke so loudly. 'That is-

'You see it for yourself.' Rachel said, pointing at the dragon.

Sapphire gently landed on the school grounds, in front of her parents. Shannon got down and ran to her father and mother. The urge to meet her parents was more than anything.

Smitha asked shocked. 'Shannon, did you do it?'

'Maa, she came to the cave and she tried to kill Sapphire. The gem isn't fully destroyed, a quarter remains with Volt. But I threw a bottle of Kaniscope and Portal came out of nowhere, she and Volt got sucked into it.' Shannon answered.

'Now they have used the gem. Its power must be gone. Except for the one Volt absorbed.' Smitha said.

'You did it Shannon.' Flare said coming near her.

'You defeated the wicked sorceress of all time.' Rachel remarked.

'She did what.' Everlee bellowed, in shock.

'It was a narrow escape.' Shannon replied truthfully. 'I do not what I will do if she comes again.'

Suddenly the sky started turning dark, a dark misty dust started to come out of thin air. Then it started turning into a whirlpool and a familiar face emerged out of it.

'Veronica.' Shannon screamed. She was confused about how she came out of the portal. It all happened in front of Shannon's eyes then how was Veronica out of the portal? 'How are you.......here.' Shannon asked confused.

'You are just a thirteen-year-old.' Volt said as he and many Darks emerged in the sky. 'Who didn't understand that we 'tricked you'.' Volt said mimicking a child's voice.

Then he laughed and spoke. 'The people you saw were just a projection of ourselves. We didn't actually come inside the cave. The magic protecting the cave is something that will protect you because of your ties with the royal dragon.

We tricked you into believing that you defeated us. So, you would come out of the cave. You were being excited about your own defeat. We tricked you into believing we were sucked into the portal. You just fall down into such a big trap.

You thought your parent's thesis on the gem was wrong. No, it wasn't, they have got years of experience. I knew if you had the gem you would fall for it. In short, we tricked you.

But you do not need to worry. This is not going to be for long. It is until we send you.' Pointing up he said. 'There, from where you will never return.'

Then another Dark spoke. 'Did you really think you could change what happened fifteen years ago.' He said laughing out loud.

'Get ready for your death.' Veronica said, glaring with her eyes. Shannon started to feel weak and as if her world was falling apart and there was no more happiness left in her life. She was finding it hard to look into Veronica's eyes.

Suddenly Mrs Winson came and stood in front of Shannon blocking her contact with Veronica. Then with a thundering voice, Mrs Winson said. 'Don't you dare?'

For the first time, Shannon saw Veronica's eyes lowering. Her hands trembled and she couldn't hold her wand properly. Then Volt whispered something in Veronica's ear and she looked with anger to Mrs. Winson.

Instead of Veronica, Volt cast a spell on Mrs Winson and she defended herself. With that Mahesh, Smitha, Mr. Milward, Melvin, Matilda, Grace, and Shannon's friends stood covering Shannon from the front and had their hands and wands raised against the Darks.

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