𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝟏𝟖

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There are some things that just never get old at Hogwarts, no matter what age you are. Things like the the beginning of the year feast where the new first years got sorted or the first snow at hogwarts.

My personal favourite will and always will be the Gryffindor, Slytherin Quidditch match. Every year it was high energy and ever since my friends started playing, I've really began to enjoy it even more.

Theo, Draco, Enzo, Matty, and Blaise were honest to merlin talents on a broom. They were such a spectacle to watch, often I couldn't even take my eyes off them during the games.

The wind hit my face in violent lashes, whipping my neatly combed hair around viciously as Pansy, Daphne and I weaved our way through the body of students, all dressed in Silver and Green.

Clouds loomed over the large pitch threateningly, heavy with rain. The weather around this time was never kind to us, fortunately I predicted this and picked my outfit accordingly.

A Black skirt paired with a pair of black knee high socks, thick combat boots and Mattheo's extra quidditch jumper he let me borrow. It has Mattheos number, six, plastered in silver on the back, right under 'RIDDLE'.

When Pansy and Daphne saw my outfit they gave each other looks of amusement, mumbling something about Theo quietly under their breaths which evoked eye rolls from me.

Theo and I were a lot of things, for one, we were extremely complicated but we had both agreed that whatever we were, it wasn't monogamous and we were both free to do and see whoever we wanted. Plus, it wasn't like Mattheo and I were seeing each other.

Plopping down when we finally find open seats, my eyes immediately look over to the Slytherin team who are zipping around on their side of the pitch. Marcus Flint was already shouting orders at them in classic Marcus Flint style.

As the team continued their warmup laps, my eyes were focused solely on Theo's dark, ruffled hair as the wind tousled it about in the air. The wind was beginning to pick up, blowing in stronger forces. The rain wasn't far off now.

Daphne and Pansy continued their own conversation beside me, which I paid no mind. However, my eyes suddenly began to drift to the side of the quidditch pitch, where a small group of girls were giggling amongst themselves.

As the giggling girls approached the Slytherin section, my stomach turned at the sight of them. They weren't just normal Slytherins but Ravenclaws. It wasn't uncommon for other houses to pick their perspective favourites and cheer for that house when their house wasn't playing but among the girls was a familiar face.

Marcy, the girl Theo had been flirting with a few weeks ago in Potions was among them, pointing and staring at the same thing I was, Theo.

A nasty feeling spread through my chest, an unexplainable emotion. It felt like I had rashes all over my body and a heavy weight on my chest. Theo and I weren't exclusive and I didn't wasn't to be exclusive with someone like him. If Marcy wanted to come and support him, it wasn't any of my business.

Before more thoughts could enter my mind, Marcus's call to attention pulled me back to reality. All players were heading to their assigned positions on the pitch, their brooms clutched tightly in their hands. Marcus yelled some more orders as the Gryffindor team made their way to the other side, the Gryffindor supporters cheering them on. A moment later their captain, Oliver Wood yelled instructions from the other side of the pitch. The two teams were readying themselves for the game, a tension could be felt from the fans around the pitch.

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