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A/N: Hi, I'm back from Chicago. I want to say that things are back on track, but they're not. There's a thing happening in my life tomorrow and that thing will be at the same time I need to post a chapter, so tomorrow's chapter will be uploaded earlier. We're so close to the end that I might just cry. Anyway, enjoy <3

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She understood what she meant when the two of them headed inside. Glancing around the living room, her breath stuck in her throat. There was a brief hint of familiarity in the place. Somehow, a few potted plants were strung up and hung from the ceiling.

"Welcome home."

A rounded velvet green couch sat in front of the television and matching throw pillows adorned it. Floral paintings hung on the back wall and bookcases were filled with books. She spun around taking in all of it.

"This is our living room and that over there," he gestured towards the kitchen, "is where we cook and eat."

A small square wooden table was placed up against a trio of windows. A clear vase of sunflowers sat as the centerpiece. Ruffled white curtains hung over the window and sunlight poured in. The golden light lit up a bar counter with three bar stools beneath it. A connected fridge and freezer had been inserted right beside a stove.

Bright yellow crocheted placemats were centered around the vase. Kitchen knives were stacked in a wooden knife sheath beside the stove. A calendar hung on the front of the fridge. Sticky notes with Cynthia and Seungmin's handwriting were still scribbled with old reminders of events.

"Seungmin, if this is a joke I-"

"It's not a joke, I swear. This is something that I've been holding back on telling you for a while. Just wait until you see our bedroom. I didn't want to overwhelm you and frighten you off."

"I don't think you could have if you tried."

"You don't know that."

Cynthia shook her head and Seungmin's hand slipped back into her's. He gently pulled her along and led her through a hallway. "This is where our washer and dryer are." He tapped two white swinging doors. "The bathroom is here." He walked further and tapped the edge of a door frame.

Cynthia peeked her head around the corner, but she couldn't see much. Most of the interior was hidden by the dark. Curtains were drawn over a window and light peeked around it. It must have been covered, so nobody could see inside when the bathroom was occupied.

"This is my favorite part," Seungmin approached an empty door. "This is our room."

He stepped out of the way and let Cynthia enter first. The room was painted a pale green-gray. Darker green highlighted the room from a variety of plants that were growing everywhere. Cynthia didn't just work with flowers, she was good at planting everything.

The plants from before the accident were long gone. What Seungmin didn't know was that I.N, Felix, and Lee Know had been actively visiting the apartment and attempting to replant things and get them growing again. Seungmin didn't know until he stopped by the apartment to make sure it wasn't a mess before he brought Cynthia over.

He was shocked to find the place spotless. Their lives had been put on pause. Everything was still frozen back in December. The plants were green and thriving. The herbs that Cynthia had been growing, the guys bought fresh ones and got them to sprout again.

Cynthia used to enjoy incorporating the fresh herbs into some of the things she made. She insisted that they were better than store bought stuff. A few daisies were just beginning to sprout and appear in another pot. Tomato plants were perching in an open window.

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