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Dear Cynthia:

When Seungmin asked us to write these letters, I was afraid that I'd suddenly forget everything that I've ever experienced with you. I'm not sure exactly what to write, so I'll try my best. You were the kind of person that people could never be mad at.

I don't think I've ever seen any of the guys upset with you. There's a softness within you that's incredibly rare and I hope you see it as a strength instead of a weakness. You see the best in everyone and you've seen the best in me.

We've experienced so many memories together, but I think one that sticks out the most is the one where we attended a baseball game together with the rest of the band. One of the guys jumped up with popcorn and salt ended up getting into one of my eyes. You were the first one to hurry over and flush out my eye with water.

That's just the kind of person that you are. You're the first one to lend a helping hand when someone needs it. There's another memory I have of you when you showed up at the recording studio in the middle of the night. Seungmin mentioned to you in passing that I had been there for hours without leaving.

You showed up and demanded that I go home. I tried to refuse and when I did, I refused to listen to you. You jerked my laptop out of my hands and demanded that I head home before I make myself sick. I hated that you had a point because I was feeling awful that day.

You called it tough love and every time I attempted to stay up too late working at the studio, Seungmin always joked that he'd call you to send me home. You probably don't remember, but I do. I hope you take care of yourself as much as you have taken care of the guys and me.

You give out the best presents. There's so much love in your heart, please never lose it. I hope you continue taking care of us and I hope you're ready for Seungmin's wit. Despite his sarcasm and everything, he really does cherish you. You give him strength on his worst days and laughter on his best ones.

Thank you for everything and I can't wait until we see each other again,

Bang Chan.

P.S: Don't tell Seungmin I said you give the best presents, he'll kill me.

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I'm the last one that you should be getting a letter from. I tend to speak from the heart, no matter how tough the issue is, I try not to let my morals change. They're cemented in stone and yours always have been too. You don't change for anyone and you stick up for what is right.

In the beginning, I was incredibly weary around you because you seemed like the type of person who just seemed too good to be true. I've heard of people like you, but I never thought they really existed. Every day that I've known you, you've never ceased to amaze me.

You tend to find beauty in the mundane and paint murals out of things I'd call trash. If I had one word to describe you, I'd describe you as vibrant. You're vibrant in everything you do. There's this energy that radiates from you that reminds me of Yongbok. If you had brown eyes, the two of you could probably pass as cousins.

I don't know how in the world Seungmin ended up with someone like you, but I'm glad he did. He'll never admit it, but you've changed him a little. It's not an awful change, he's more caring and he's more doting. He's always cared about his fellow members, but since you came around, he's cared about us more. He tries to be tough, but please know that he has a few soft spots too.

The first time we met, I needed to go to the grocery store to get stuff for a dinner I wanted to make. My car was being worked on and I asked Seungmin to drive me. What I didn't realize was that the two of you were hanging out. When he came out of his room, you followed.

Forget-me-notOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora