Author's note

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Lab rats, I thought I had way more story to drop, but it turns out I only had those few chapters. This story has been such a challenge to write, so thank you for reading it!! It truly does mean a lot. All the comments and votes, you have no idea how much it fulfills an empty piece of my heart. 

I started to write this story a few months ago, so thank you to those that have stuck around reading it. I hope the ending wasn't nearly as devastating as my last fic if you read it. That one was a doozy and this was a good break from that. 

When you leave this story behind, I hope you can understand the cycle of toxic relationships a bit better. I hope if you're in one, you find the courage to leave it. I hope if you ever start to find yourself barreling towards one, you remember Cynthia and Flora's situation and leave before it gets worse. 

Nobody deserves to have what Flora did to Cynthia happen to them. Flora was probably one of the most complex characters that I've ever written. She's damaged, she's broken, and yet she's selfish and jealous. I could go on and on about her for hours. 

It's been so fun writing this story and going from the beginning of winter into spring. Throughout the story, the weather goes from bitter and cold to warm and breezy. I like to think it's symbolism for Cynthia's situation. 

It's been a good run and don't get me wrong, these stories can be fun to write. The ones where I write fanfics that could happen irl, but I think I like writing alternate realities better. If you've read no body, no crime, I think you understand what I mean. Writing about the band and their band stuff is fun, but there's just something more exciting about having the guys not be band members. 

Every time I finish a story, it's my ritual to listen to 'I know the end' by Phoebe Bridgers and cry. I know it's just fanfiction, but I tend to get lost in the worlds I create. I shove my heart and soul into these things. Thank you for reading and choosing to get lost in my world with me. There is nothing that I could ever say to thank you. 

No amount of thank yous and praising will ever be enough. Every time I post a story, I feel like my writing gets better and it feels like I get closer to my original goal of wanting to write a good original story that might eventually get turned into an actual book. 

To those of you that have stuck around and been with me for every story, thank you. For the new ones that have just joined, I hope you'll check out my other stuff and stick around for the next story. I have a lot of faith in the next story and I can't wait to get started. 

I'm going to take a bit of a break after writing this. In the meantime, I'll be uploading my drabble story maybe once or twice a week. I'll also be continuing to be on Twitter (Lies_labyrinth) a lot of pisces chaos goes on over there. I tend to be really dramatic and sometimes I tweet about the stuff I'm writing.

I think...I think I want to write something chaotic again. Something that sends shivers down your spine. Something that makes you confused and tears your reality apart. Something problematic and honestly, probably pretty controversial. Something new for me on this page. 

I believe, if my sources are right (literally coming from the man himself) someone wanted to be a priest growing up. I haven't seen anyone play with that. Maybe they have and I'm just clueless. 

Priests, demons, God, religion, what could go wrong? What's the worst that can happen? Demonic possession? Falling in love with a fallen angel? Spiraling out of control and not knowing fact from fiction anymore? Biblical references? I don't know, but we're about to find out in a few weeks, so stay tuned if you dare. 

Thanks for sticking around and I can't wait until our next adventure. Drink your water and eat your food. Suck in a few deep breaths and remember that the best is yet to come. The sun will rise tomorrow and we will try again. 

Good morning, good afternoon, and goodnight,

<3 Lie 

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