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A/N: I'm so sorry that this was not uploaded at the right time. I'm fighting demons and by demons, I mean I picked up some sort of sickness in Chicago and now it feels like I'm dying and I'm fighting for my life. It's literally probably just the common cold (I hope) but when I'm sick, it feels like the entire world is ending. I'm going to do my best to drop the end of this story tomorrow and if not tomorrow, definitely Monday for sure. Enjoy <3

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When Seungmin unlocked the front door to his dorm room, he stepped to the side to let Cynthia walk into the house first. She thanked him and began to head back into the dorm. A blur rushed from the side and before she knew it Hyunjin was calling her name.

"You're leaving me! You're nothing, but a traitor! How could you do this to me? After everything I've done for you, this is how you're going to repay me?" His head dropped onto her shoulder after a dramatic groan escaped his lips.

Seungmin slipped inside behind Cynthia and rolled his eyes. "What are you doing here? This isn't your place. Who let the untamed ferret in the dorm?"

Hyunjin gasped and jerked his head up. "Listen here you little-"

"Grow up!" Seungmin snapped.

Hyunjin stuck his tongue out in retaliation. Seungmin's two fingers went up in a silent threat to gouge out his eyes. Hyunjin shrieked and rushed to cower behind Cynthia. "Control your goddamn dog!"

Cynthia blinked in utter shock and shook her head. "I think I'll let you defend yourself. No offense, but you started this whole mess."

"He's corrupted you! I'm a victim!"

"A victim of stupidity," Seungmin shot back.

"Take it back!"

"Facts are unchangeable."

"You jerk!"

"Get over here and leave my girlfriend alone."

Seungmin began to approach Hyunjin and he stepped towards the other side of Cynthia. When Seungmin switched directions, Hyunjin went the opposite direction. The only thing guaranteeing his safety from Seungmin's wrath was Cynthia's body.

"Excuse me," Seungmin mumbled as he gently shifted Cynthia to the side. Hyunjin shrieked and rushed towards the living room. Seungmin chased after him yelling with outstretched arms.

Cynthia watched the two before a smile appeared on her face. Despite everything, this was something that she'd end up missing. The guys would be able to visit, but she'd miss their silly daily antics.

"Would you like a brownie?" A voice spoke up from the side.

Cynthia glanced over towards the kitchen to find Felix standing in an apron. He picked up a plate of brownies and headed towards her. She could smell them now; the sweet cocoa powder and sugar. Too caught up in Hyunjin's shenanigans, she didn't realize they weren't alone.

"What's the occasion?" She reached out and pulled a brownie off the top of the plate. The baked goods were still warm, so he must have recently pulled them out of the oven. Cupping her hand beneath the bit of brownie, she took a bite of it.

The explosion of sweet flavors sent her eyes widening. She had Felix's brownies multiple times now, but they never ceased to amaze her. No matter how much she tried, he refused to give her the recipe. She licked her lips and continued to chew.

"Seungmin texted the group chat last night and told us that the two of you were going to move back to your old apartment. I just thought that I'd give you a sweet send-off. I hope you know that you'll always have a home here."

Her eyes met Felix's and she felt the radiation of warmth again. Deja vu slammed into her at full force. It was a reminder that this was exactly what happened when she first entered the dorm. Felix greeted her with a plate full of brownies. Time might have changed, but his warmth and kindness had never once wavered.

"I'm really going to miss you, Felix."

"Are you sure you'll miss me and not my brownies?" He teased.

"I can miss both at the same time."

He laughed and a hand swooped out of the air. Lee Know's fingers clutched a brownie and he pulled it off the stack. "Yongbok, why didn't you tell me that you made more brownies?"

"Hyung, they're for Cynthia and Seungmin."

"For Seungmin?" Lee Know raised an eyebrow and glanced over. Seungmin and Hyunjin were rolling around on the living room carpet bickering at one another. Playful punches and jabs were being thrown. "Doesn't seem like he deserves a treat. Cynthia, you might want to put a collar on your dog."

"I heard that!" Seungmin's head jerked up. A glare was shot over at Lee Know. Lee Know shrugged and took a bite of his brownie. "You jerk!" Seungmin yelled.

"Yeah, put a collar on him!" Hyunjin agreed.

That was enough to make the two of them start to fight again. Felix and Cynthia glanced at each other. Cynthia shook her head and continued to eat her brownie. Felix laughed and placed the plate back on the counter.

A quick knock on the front door was interrupted by the door opening. The rest of the guys from the other dorm walked in. Changbin and Han were followed by Chan. Changbin and Han's attention instantly went to the living room. On the other hand, Chan's gaze found Cynthia.

A dimpled grin lit up his face and he walked towards her. "Cynthia, I'm so happy for you! I can't believe the two of you are moving in together! I think you're going to enjoy it a lot. Seungmin's a pretty great roommate."

"How would you know?" Lee Know cut in. "You don't live with Seungmin."

"I'm over here all the time and Seungmin is the only one who puts in the proper care and effort into cleaning this place up."

"That's a lot coming from the dirty and disgusting 3racha and Hyunjin dorm."

"I bet you wish you had a Seungmin in your dorm," Felix added.

"We're not sharing."

"You're losing him anyway and Cynthia is gaining him, so you lose too," Chan mocked them.

"I've had enough of standing by. What about me?" I.N came out of the hallway with his arms crossed over his chest. "I clean up too!"

"Way to go, Chan. Look what you did, you made the baby mad! Innie, come have one of Yongbok's brownies to make you feel better." Lee Know picked up the plate of brownies and walked them towards I.N.

"Hyung, those are still for Cynthia!"

"Shush, Yongbok. Sharing is caring, remember?"

Cynthia chuckled and finished the last of her brownie. She brushed her hands together and glanced back over to the living room. Han and Changbin were egging Seungmin and Hyunjin on. Without meaning to, her heart began to ache.

She was going to miss all of this.

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