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When she pulled away, he was dizzy and breathless. He couldn't believe that this is what the serious conversation led to, but he wasn't mad about it. Her lips stopped once she realized what she just did. She yanked herself back, nearly tilting onto the floor.

Seungmin instinctively grabbed her waist. She squeaked in shock and her body tensed up. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"When are you going to stop apologizing for kissing me and begin to kiss me properly?"

Her cheeks flushed red and nervous stutters spewed out. There was no time to react properly. Seungmin's hands tightened around her waist and he jerked her back. His lips met hers again and the two kissed once more.

It didn't take long for Cynthia to cup his chin and press their bodies closer together. Seungmin didn't object and continued to kiss her. She tasted as sweet as chocolate. That chocolate cake saturated into her lips and he wanted more.

His fingers dug into the flesh of her hips and she could feel the bruises already forming, but it didn't matter. The worries and the anxieties of everything melted away. They were just Cynthia and Seungmin. There was no car accident and nothing bad had happened.

The earth stopped tilting and seconds stopped ticking. They were safe when intertwined like this. They were happy and they were together again. He would gladly let her suffocate him if it'd make her happy.

His fingers were needy against her skin and he couldn't get enough. There was a brief part of their lips and he tugged her closer. A shiver spiraled around her spine as his lips trailed down. With half-opened eyes, her head naturally tipped back.

Sweet and soft kisses were pressed into her cheek. They littered along her jawline and down her neck. Her breathing quickened and her heart went rogue. Everything was just as it should be. His arms wrapped around her waist tighter.

"Seungmin?" She mumbled in a daze.

"Hmm?" He hummed through wet kisses. She was a nectar that he couldn't get enough of. He wanted to drown in her presence. He wanted to crawl inside and nest in her heart. He wanted to be the blood that funneled through the taught strands of nerves, muscles, and veins. He'd drown in her perfume and he'd thank her before he died; an outrageous and holy act of self-indulgence.

She was some sort of divine entity, he was sure of it. He couldn't remember the last time he craved someone this desperately. Out of all the people in the world, nobody had cast the same spell that Cynthia had upon him. Entirely enamored, her presence overwhelmed every scent.

The silky softness of her hair and the warmth of her skin. The soft hitches of her breath and the hums of pleasure. The overwhelming scent of her pomegranate shampoo, her french vanilla perfume, and the chocolate smeared across her lips.

She was owned by nobody and yet she was his. She was everywhere all at once and dear god, it felt good. Tiny pulses of electricity zapped his heart. The two of them were so drunk on their own love, they didn't have to use words. It was pure gluttony from both of them.

More. More. More. More. More. More.

Over and over again their hearts thumped in agreement. Through the tears and taunts, everything had led them back here. Back home, back in bed, and into the arms of one another. If there was a higher power out there, he owed them his life and so much more.

She was back and the missing pieces of the puzzle slipped back into place. So joyous, tears pricked in his eyes. He jerked his head back from Cynthia and pulled her towards him again. Her body stiffened from the sudden movement and he pressed his head into her chest.

Snapped out of the euphoric daze, she blinked in shock. "Seungmin?" Her words slipped out in confusion. "Are you okay?"

He nodded slightly and a small smile appeared on her face. "I can't believe you did that and then stopped. It's like you got me all wound up for nothing."

"One of my many talents," he mumbled.

She playfully rolled her eyes before she shut them and let her chin fall onto his messy hair. Her fingers were to thank for that. She had gotten a little too caught up in the moment. His hair was soft and she couldn't help herself.

"Can I ask you something?"


"I can't properly hear you when your face is still in my tits."

Seungmin jerked his face away and he mumbled a sheepish apology with red cheeks. She laughed and shook her head. "What do you want?" He asked.

"Do you really still own this place?"

"Yeah. We rented this place from a friend of a family member. He knows what happened and he's been letting me keep it. As long as I pay the rent on time, he doesn't really care. He's just happy that he doesn't have to take care of it all the time because it's not empty."

"Hypothetically speaking, if I were to ask if we could come back here..."


"Too soon?" She frowned. "Sorry, I knew I should have waited. I feel guilty for sleeping in Felix's bed and I have a job now, so I thought that I could help with re-"

"You want to move back in together?"


"Holy fuck!"

"Seungmin, if it's a problem, we can pretend that I never brought it up. Seriously, we just have to go ahead a-"

"We're going to move in together!"

He grinned and squeezed her tight in his arms. Falling back onto the bed, he jerked her tight and rolled back and forth. "I'm so happy! We're going to have so much fun! I can't wait! Just wait until I tell the guys about this, I've been waiting for so long!"

He let go, pulled out his phone, unlocked it, and pressed a few buttons. Cynthia watched in confusion as the dial tone sound filled the air. Seungmin shifted away from her and stood up. He began to pace around the front of the room until a voice picked up.

"What do you want?"

"Han fucking Jisung!"

"I've told you to stop calling me that! That's not my name and I don't appreciate it when yo-"

"I don't give a shit. Go to your bank and take Changbin and Hyunjin with you. I'm about to get rich because Cynthia wants to move back home. Take that you fuckwads, I win the bet."

Her eyes widened in shock when Han screamed on the other end of the phone. There was more screaming from a familiar Hyunjin. Changbin's voice cut through and he called her a traitor. In the middle of the voices, Seungmin hung up and glanced back over to Cynthia.

She was speechless as she stared at him. When she found her voice, her head tilted. "You guys all made bets?"

"Yes. The three of those bozos insisted you wouldn't move back in with me, but I was convinced. I know you and I know how you operate. The rest of the guys said you'd move back in with me, those three denied that it'd happen again."

"If you would have brought it up sooner, you would have been richer sooner."

"Don't push it, I didn't want to scare you off."

An eyebrow raised, "scare me off? You're like an overgrown dog."

"You want to see how an overgrown dog treats their mate? Lay back on the bed."

"Is that an offer?"

"Actually, it's a command since you want to be so bossy. Shut up and lie down. Just lay there and look pretty while I-"

"Make me." She knew exactly what she was doing as she grinned. Seungmin walked over and shoved her back on the bed.

It didn't take long before she found out exactly what he meant.

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