Chapter 26 - A Day Out

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L I L Y ' S P O V:

(Waking up)

I blinked my eyes open, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. Tessa's arms were wrapped snugly around me, and I couldn't help but smile at her sleepy face buried in my neck.

Lily: (whispering) Morning, sleepyhead. What's the surprise?

Tessa: (groggily) You'll see. Get dressed. We're going out.

I chuckled, excitement bubbling in my chest. Whatever Tessa had planned, it was bound to be amazing. I quickly got dressed, picking out a cute outfit for Anna too, who was still sleeping soundly in her crib.

(Later, at breakfast)

Downstairs, the house was alive with activity. Giselle and Rosalyn were busy in the kitchen, and Delilah was playing with Gabriella.

Lily: (joining them) Morning, everyone.

Giselle: Morning, sweetheart. You ready for the surprise?

Rosalyn: We're all set here. Dig in before you go.

As we ate, Tessa packed a picnic basket, and Anna babbled happily in her high chair.

(Arriving at the park)

The park was bathed in golden sunlight, and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees. Tessa led us to a cozy spot under a sprawling oak tree, and we spread out a blanket.

Lily: (gazing around in awe) This is perfect, babe. Thank you.

Tessa: Anything for you, love

(Exploring and having fun)

We spent the day playing like carefree kids. Tessa pushed Anna on the swings, and I chased after her as she toddled around the grass. We fed ducks at the lake, and Tessa even started a spontaneous water fight.

Tessa: (laughing) You're going down, Lily!

Lily: (splashing back) Not if I get you first!

As the sun began to set, we found a quiet spot overlooking the lake. Anna was asleep in my arms, and Tessa held me close.

Lily: (softly) I've never been happier than I am right now.

Tessa: Me neither, love. We've come a long way.

We returned home to the warm embrace of our family. Dinner was waiting, and we shared stories of our day while Anna slept peacefully.

Giselle: Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.

Rosalyn: We missed you. Dinner's ready whenever you are.

Lily: (hugging them) Thank you for everything. Today was perfect.

Later, in our room, Tessa and I lay together, wrapped in each other's arms.

Tessa: Goodnight, my love.

Lily: Goodnight, babe. I love you.

Tessa: I love you too.

And with that, we drifted off to sleep, grateful for the love and happiness in our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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