12 - Maknae line

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Family time

It was a typical bustling day in the BTS dorm when their manager delivered some unexpected news. He gathered the seven members in the living room, each one looking at him with varying degrees of curiosity and hope.

"I have some good news," the manager said with a smile. "You all have three days off."

The room erupted in excitement. Three days off was a rare treat, a precious gift in their demanding schedule. Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung were particularly ecstatic, their imaginations already running wild with possibilities. The hyung line-Jin, Suga, RM, and J-Hope-shared smiles of relief, eager for some well-deserved rest.

As the initial excitement began to settle, the hyung line started to discuss their plans.

"I think I'll just sleep for three days straight," Suga said with a chuckle, leaning back into the couch.

Jin nodded in agreement. "I might join you. Maybe cook a little, watch some dramas."

RM added, "I've been wanting to catch up on some reading and maybe organize my studio a bit."

J-Hope smiled, already envisioning his cozy bed. "A dance practice here and there, but mostly just relax."

Meanwhile, in the corner of the room, the maknae line huddled together, whispering excitedly. They had stumbled upon some beautiful picnic pictures on Pinterest and were completely enchanted by the idea. As the hyung line continued to talk about their plans to rest, the maknae line approached them, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Hyungs," Jungkook began, his voice full of excitement. "What do you think about going on a picnic?"

The hyung line exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of amusement and reluctance.

"A picnic?" RM asked, raising an eyebrow. "We were kind of looking forward to just resting."

"Please, hyung," Jimin pleaded, his eyes wide and earnest. "It would be so much fun. We could all relax together in nature."

Taehyung joined in, his voice soft and persuasive. "We haven't done something like this in so long. It could be a great memory for all of us."

Despite the maknae line's best efforts, the hyung line remained unconvinced. They were genuinely tired and the thought of organizing and going out for a picnic seemed exhausting. But the maknae line wasn't ready to give up. Over the next few days, they tried different techniques to persuade their older brothers.

First, they tried the power of cuteness. Jimin and Taehyung perfected their pouts, making their eyes as big and innocent as possible whenever they were around the hyung line. Jungkook joined in, his bunny smile making appearances at every opportunity.

"Hyung, don't you think a picnic would be nice?" Jimin asked one morning, his voice sweet and soft.

Jin sighed, trying to resist the adorable faces. "We just want to rest, Jiminie."

Next, they tried acts of service. The maknae line took over the chores around the dorm, cooking breakfast, cleaning up, and even giving impromptu massages.

"Look at all the things we can do," Taehyung said, kneading Suga's shoulders. "Imagine how relaxing a picnic would be with all of us together."

Suga grunted in appreciation but remained non-committal. "We'll think about it."

Finally, they pulled out all the stops and used their secret weapon: an elaborate presentation. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung spent hours creating a PowerPoint filled with beautiful images of picnic spots, complete with a carefully curated playlist of relaxing songs and a menu of delicious picnic foods.

The hyung line couldn't help but be impressed by the effort. RM, always the analytical one, admired the attention to detail. Jin appreciated the thought put into the menu, and J-Hope and Suga were amused by the maknae line's dedication.

"Alright, alright," RM finally said, unable to hide his smile. "We'll go on the picnic."

The room erupted in cheers. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook jumped up and down, hugging each other and then each of their hyungs. Their persistence had paid off, and they couldn't wait for the adventure.

On the morning of the picnic, the entire dorm was a buzz of activity. The maknae line was up early, preparing the picnic basket with an assortment of homemade sandwiches, kimbap, fresh fruits, and snacks. Jin supervised the cooking, ensuring everything was perfect. RM and J-Hope handled the logistics, packing the blankets, portable speakers, and games into the car. Suga, not a morning person, was coaxed out of bed by the promise of a peaceful nap under the sun.

As they loaded into the car, the excitement was palpable. J-Hope took the wheel, his infectious energy setting a lively tone. The carpool karaoke session was inevitable, with all seven members singing along to their favorite songs, their harmonies filling the vehicle with joy.

They arrived at a picturesque park, a sprawling green field with tall trees providing ample shade. The sky was a perfect blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds. It was the perfect setting for their picnic.

Jungkook and Taehyung immediately ran off to explore, their laughter echoing through the park. Jimin and Jin started setting up the picnic area, laying out the blankets and arranging the food. Suga and RM found a shady spot and began setting up the portable speakers and games.

Once everything was set up, they all gathered to enjoy the feast. The food was delicious, a testament to their teamwork and Jin's culinary skills. They ate with gusto, sharing stories and laughter. For a moment, all their worries and stresses melted away, replaced by the simple joy of being together.

After the meal, they divided into groups for different activities. Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung played a lively game of frisbee, their athleticism and competitive spirits on full display. Jin and RM decided to take a leisurely walk around the park, discussing everything from music to philosophy. J-Hope joined the frisbee game for a while before settling down with Suga for a nap under the shade of a large oak tree.

As the afternoon wore on, they all came together for a game of charades. It was a hilarious affair, with each member trying to outdo the other in creativity and humor. Suga's deadpan expressions, J-Hope's energetic acting, and Taehyung's unique interpretations had everyone in stitches.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, they packed up their things. The maknae line took charge, efficiently cleaning up and making sure nothing was left behind. They headed back to the car, their hearts full and spirits high.

The drive back was peaceful, with Suga taking the wheel this time. The maknae line, exhausted from their day of fun, quickly fell asleep, their heads resting on each other's shoulders. The hyung line looked back at them with fond smiles, grateful for the moment of peace and the memories they had created.

Once they reached the dorm, they gently woke the sleeping maknae line, guiding them inside. They all shared a sense of accomplishment and happiness from the day's outing. Despite their initial reluctance, the hyung line couldn't deny that the picnic had been a wonderful idea.

That night, as they settled into their beds, they reflected on the past three days. The rare break had given them not just rest, but also a chance to reconnect and create new memories together. The bond they shared as a group had grown even stronger, reminding them of the importance of balance and the joy of simple moments.

In the quiet of the dorm, with the stars twinkling outside, BTS slept soundly, dreaming of the next adventure they would share. They knew that no matter how busy their schedules got, they would always find time for each other. Because in the end, it was these moments of togetherness that truly mattered.

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