13 - Jimin

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Love Yourself : Tear

Park Jimin woke up feeling the weight of exhaustion pulling at him, a telltale sign of his need for affection. After a month-long marathon of concerts, fan meets, music shows, and photo shoots, he was worn out. To make matters worse, he had come across some hurtful comments online the previous night, which only deepened his need for comfort.

Jimin rolled over in his bed and stretched, hoping to find solace in his members' presence. J-Hope was usually the first to shower him with morning hugs and bright smiles. But today, after a reluctant hug and a quick apology, Hoseok had to leave for a solo project. Jimin pouted but understood, watching his hyung disappear through the door.

Next, he sought out Jin, the eldest, whose nurturing presence always made him feel better. But Jin too was busy, offering a brief hug before rushing out for an important shoot. One by one, his hopes were dashed as Jungkook, V, and Suga also left hurriedly for their respective schedules. Even RM, their dependable leader, was nowhere to be found, stuck in a meeting.

Jimin sat alone on the couch in the dorm, feeling more abandoned and upset with each passing minute. His usual bright demeanor was replaced by a pouty, whiny expression. The dorm felt emptier than ever, and the loneliness was almost suffocating.

Hours passed, and the dorm remained quiet. Jimin tried to distract himself with TV and his phone, but nothing could shake off the sadness gnawing at his heart. Eventually, the dam broke, and tears started to flow freely down his cheeks. He curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow tightly, hoping the softness would replace the warmth he missed from his members.

When RM finally returned from his meeting, he was immediately struck by the sight of Jimin curled up and crying. His heart sank, and he quickly made his way over, sitting beside the younger member and gently placing a hand on his back.

"Jimin-ah, what's wrong?" RM's voice was soft and full of concern.

Jimin sniffled but didn't respond immediately, burying his face deeper into the pillow. RM patiently rubbed circles on his back, waiting for him to feel ready to talk. After a few minutes of silent comfort, Jimin finally looked up, his eyes red and puffy.

"I just... I needed you guys today," Jimin whispered, his voice cracking.

RM's heart ached at the vulnerability in Jimin's voice. "I'm so sorry we weren't here, Jimin-ah. We've all been so busy, but you're important to us. You can always tell me when you're feeling like this, okay?"

Jimin nodded, feeling slightly better at RM's words. "I saw some comments last night... They were really mean. And I've just been so tired..."

RM sighed, understanding how those negative comments could hurt, especially when one was already exhausted. He pulled Jimin into a tight hug, murmuring reassuring words. "You're amazing, Jimin. Don't let those comments get to you. We all love you so much, and we're so proud of you."

Jimin clung to RM, the warmth and affection slowly mending the cracks in his heart. They stayed like that for a while, RM holding Jimin close, letting him know through his embrace that he was loved and valued.

Eventually, the emotional exhaustion caught up with Jimin, and he started to drift off in RM's arms. Seeing this, RM gently laid Jimin down on the couch, covering him with a blanket and making sure he was comfortable. As Jimin napped, RM pulled out his phone and sent a quick message to the rest of the members, explaining the situation.

It wasn't long before the dorm door opened, and the other members quietly tiptoed in, their faces full of concern. RM met them in the hallway, putting a finger to his lips to signal silence. They all gathered around, watching Jimin sleep peacefully for a moment before RM spoke softly.

"He really needed us today," RM said quietly. "Let's make it up to him."

One by one, they nodded in agreement. Jin, always the caretaker, went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks. J-Hope and V started setting up a cozy space with blankets and pillows, creating a warm, inviting area for them all to relax together. Suga and Jungkook fetched their favorite movies and games, wanting to fill the room with laughter and joy when Jimin woke up.

As everything was being prepared, Jimin stirred awake, blinking sleepily at the sight of all his members bustling around the dorm. His eyes widened in surprise and his heart swelled with happiness as he realized what they were doing.

"Hyung-deul..." Jimin's voice was still groggy from sleep, but filled with gratitude.

J-Hope was the first to rush over, pulling Jimin into a bear hug. "Jimin-ah, we're so sorry. We're here now, and we're not going anywhere."

The rest of the members quickly joined in, enveloping Jimin in a group hug. The warmth and affection he had been craving all day surrounded him, making his heart feel full again.

For the rest of the evening, the dorm was filled with laughter, love, and the comfort of togetherness. They watched movies, played games, and enjoyed the snacks Jin had prepared. The members took turns showering Jimin with affection, making sure he felt cherished and supported.

As the night drew to a close, they all settled into a slumber pile, cuddling close together on the makeshift nest of blankets and pillows. Jimin, nestled comfortably between his members, felt a profound sense of contentment wash over him.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice full of emotion. "I love you guys so much."

"We love you too, Jimin-ah," RM replied, his voice gentle and sincere. "Always."

With his heart finally at peace and surrounded by the warmth of his members, Jimin drifted off to sleep, feeling more loved and appreciated than ever before. And in that moment, he knew that no matter how tough things got, he would always have his members by his side, ready to lift him up and shower him with the affection he needed.

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