Why Me? (Mikey Fusco' Sam Pottorff story)

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Hello!!!! Here's another Mikey Fusco story!!

Enjoy! -Nichole


Jessica's Prov.

I laid in bed debating to get up or not. I just barely glanced at the clock, 11:58am. Damn I should get up... But no my body refused to move.

"Jessica get your lazy ass out of bed you worthless piece of junk!!" My best friend Trisha yelled from most likely the bottom of the stairs but sounded right outside my door.

Gotta love her when I have to live with her for another 7 months until my mom comes back from a business trip.

"Fine! But your making breakfast!!" I yelled back.

"already done, dumbass! Can't you smell it!" She yelled once kmore

She was right, she did, I could smell it

God I'm dumb

I peeled the toasty warm blankets from my body. I wanted to stay there forever. I walked down the stairs nearly falling down them and walked into the kitchen. There were a stack of pancakes on a plate waiting for me.

"Well it's about time." Trisha joked

"Oh shut it!" I snapped

I dug into my pancakes. They were amazing. I nodded my head in approval

"Yes I knew it!! Tyler owes me 20 bucks!" She said

"You bid over me, liking pancakes!?"

"Yeah it was easy money. You eat anything." Trisha stated

"Smart girl you are!" I cooed

She nodded smiling.

I went back into my room and picked out my outfit for the day, a teal "hello kitty" tank top and some dark wash jeans, and teal necklace and earrings, considering that it was almost the end of spring break.

I went into the bathroom turned on the shower and closed the door.

I peeled off me pyjamas and stepped into the shower. I let the hot beads of water go all down my bare back.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body.

I got dressed and look in the mirror, I looked really cute I just need to do my hair.

Then my phone buzzed. It was my mom... (For the phone convo M for mom and J for Jessica)


Your moving to New Jersey from Canada. I booked the plane ticket and Trisha is coming with you I talked to her parents, you leave tomorrow at 3:00pm, get packing!!


Are you serious!!!!


Very serious


Ok I'll tell Trisha!!

*end of convo*

I finished my side braid. Oh yeah who's the master of side braids!!!! This gurl!!! I thought to myself.

I quickly put on my make-up and ran down stairs.

"Holy fucking shit! Guess the fuck what!!!!" I screamed

"WHAT?!" Trisha screamed back and started laughing

"Guess where we are going tomorrow!!"


"New jersey bitches!!!!!"

"Holy fucking shit!!! Really! Why can't it be England?!" Trisha whined

She has a insane obsession with 1D. I don't, I barely even like there music. I love the ICONic Boyz.

"Cause we can't!" I said laughing.

"Well lets get packing!!" We screamed at each other and ran up stairs. And packed everything of mine. And then ran to Trisha's house and packed her stuff.

"Welp I think that's everything." I said looking at Trisha's empty room.

"Yeppers!!!" She giggled.

We ran back to my house and looked around my house to see if we missed anything... Nothing

"Well it's 11 pm we should go to bed, don't want to over sleep cause you know some people do..." Trisha said looking at me.

"Defiantly not me!" I said giggling.

I ran upstairs to my room and I heard the door close signalling that Trisha had left.

I got on my PJs and got into bed and closed my eyes and let sleep take over.


"Yoo hoo!" Someone said into my ear.

I grumbled and tried to push them away, yeah it didn't work...

"Get up its 10 am!!!!!" She screamed.

"Your a bitch..." I said

"Well I do try..." Trisha said

I giggled and go up and got dressed into some really baggy PINK pants and a purple tank top. And put on some foundation, powder and bronzer and put it in my bathroom bag, along with my tooth brush and paste after I brushed my teeth

I flat ironed my long brown hair. And put my flat iron in my suitcase.

Me and Trisha watched TV until it was 12.

"Ok we have to go!" Trisha said.

I ran upstairs and got all my bags and brought them downstairs.

"My mom will drive us to the air port." Trisha said

"Yeah I was kinda hoped so" I giggled.

I had to text my friend Brianna and tell her the news. She's my only friend that's a ICONiac. ( B for Brianna and J for Jessica)


Hey guess what.




I'm moving to New Jersey...


Haha funny joke. Come on I'm not stipid

I took a pic of myself holding up the plane ticket.


I'm not joking


OMG!!! Your gonna meet Mikey!!!


Haha yeah


Well I'm gonna miss you so much! If you meet Jason tell him I say that I love him and record it!


Haha will do!! I'll miss you so much to!!

*end of convo*

"Well this is another thing we can check off our Best Friend Bucketlist!" Trisha said.

"Haha yeah!!" I squealed

We put all our bags in the trunk of Trisha's moms car and got in. (They didn't get into the trunk but you can think that if you want)

We got to the airport and Trisha said see you (my sis has a tattoo that says "never say goodbye, say see you later!") her mom and hugged her tight. And said something in Romanian to her mom.

We went to the front desk and both looked back, Trisha's mom was crying which cause me to tear up but I choked down the tears.

I looked out the window. You could see the snow, I can't believe that I'm never going to see snow again. Never going to ride my snowmobile again. Never going to build a snowman again. I'm never going to come back to Canada again.

I started to cry of the thought. Trisha did the thingy of telling the lady we are here and we put out bags on the conveyer belt and went to security.

We got through and sat down on the chairs and waited.

"Well this is it." I said

"What is it?" Trisha asked

"We aren't coming back to Canada anytime soon." I choked. We both started to cry. Trisha has only been in Canada for 9 years and we have been BFFs ever since she came.

*2 hours later*

"Attention everyone on flight 547 going to New Jersey, you flight is here" said a lady on the intercom

Me and Trisha looked at each other and got up, I handed her, her boarding pass and we walked to the front desk and the lady scanned our passes and let us through.

We walked through the Terminal and into the plane. We were traveling 1st class.

"I've never flown first class before!" I whispered to Trisha

" I know same!!" She whispered

We found our seats and sat down. The "seats" weren't even seats they were beds, mine and Patricia's beds were facing each other.

I looked at her excited, she gave me the same look.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking we will be having a 6 hour flight to New Jersey so lay back and relax in the mean time please pay attention to the safety Procedure done by our flight attendants" the captain said over the intercom.

The flight attendants did the safety procedure twice while a Automated voice said it once in English and once in French

We finally took off and I put my Beats on and plugged in my phone and turned on my music and dosed off.

*5 hours and 45 mins later*

Someone turned off my music and shook me.

I opened my eyes to see Trisha.

"Put on your- bed belt" she said laughing.

I quickly put my phone and Beats in my carry on bag and put on my bed belt... And sat up my bed.

"Hello ladies and gents we will be landing in 15 mins so turn off all electronic devices and put on your- bed belt" one of the flight attendants said over the intercom.

We landed and the captain came onto the intercom again. "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to New Jersey"

Me and Trisha got off the plane and headed to the baggage claim and got our bags.

My mom texted me ( M for mom and J for Jess)


There should be a man there with a sign with your names on it.


Yeah I see him

*end of convo*

The man took us to a black Denali and put our bags in the trunk and we got into the car.

He took us to a house and gave us the keys.

"Thank you, I'd tip you but I have no money." I said to the man

He nodded and helped us with our bags

I fumbled with the keys but finally got the door open with Trisha's help.

I turned on a light and my jaw dropped along with Trisha's.

"Holy shit." I said

"Holy shit is right"

There was a note on the kitchen table it read


Dear, girls

Welcome to your home!! Hope you enjoy you stay here! There are 4 rooms in this house so go choose one! There is 1 million dollars in the safe for food, cleaning supplies, and if you want to go shopping the code to it is ***** Don't go crazy with the money, use it wisely! I hope you will be mature with this house, no huge parties ok?

Sincerely, mom aka mrs. Thomson


"Well what are we waiting for let's go unpack!!!!" Trisha yelled

We ran up the stairs and looked around.

"I call this room!!!" Trisha yelled

"And I call this room!!!" I said looking at my room, it was amazing. The walls were white with picture frames with nothing in them I guess I'll put pictures in them, there was a brown dest in the corner and the bed was amazing it was covered in different cities. I saw Toronto on it and teared up. Toronto isn't where I lived but in was in Canada. There was 2 separate doors, I opened one and it was a huge walk in closet I walked out and opened the other door, a freaking bathroom. I got my own bathroom!!

Trisha's prov.

I walked in to my room and was blown away. The walls were painted a light blue and had empty picture frames on them, there was a desk in the corner, my bed was awesome, it was the same colour as the walls but had some beads sewed onto it. There was a door on either side of my room I opened one and it was my own bathroom!! I walked to the other one and it was a huge walk in closet.

"WoW!!!!" I Screamed

"I know right!" Jess said from across the hall

"Well I'm tired, we'll unpack tomorrow! Good night!!" I said before hearing her reply

I dug through my suite case and found a pair of PJs and put them on.

I slipped into me bed and instantly fell asleep


The next morning


Jessica's Prov.

I woke up and got my shampoo, conditioner, ad other bathroom stuff and slipped into the shower.

I screamed as the freezing cold water spurted on my back.

The water soon turned warm and I finished showering

I got out and got out my out fit for the day a black floral lace swing crop top, black short shorts, and black flip flops and put it on.

I dried and curled my hair and put on a thin layer of foundation, powder, bronzer, mascara, and eyeliner.

I walked back into my room got my phone and bag and went down stairs to the safe, opened it took $20 and texted Trisha telling her that I left and went to try and find Starbucks

My phone buzzed, it was from Trisha (T for Trisha and J for Jess)


K be back by 12 or 1 we are going shopping



*end of convo*

My phone then buzzed again but it wasn't from Trisha it was Dylan my ex (D for Dylan and J for Jess)


Hey babe. Wanna hang today? ;)


I'm not your flipping girlfriend we broke up like 3 months ago and can't I moved

He has being trying to get me back for 3 weeks, obviously it hasn't worked


Yeah but I was stupid then, I know what I want now, and what I want is you! And where did you move? I'll come to you.


Well I don't want you!! And ok you'll need to book a plane ticket cause I'm not in Canada any more

*end of convo*

I sent it and locked my phone putting it back in my bag.

I looked up and felt a thug against my body

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I said

"No worries, I'm fine." I heard a man say

I looked up to see a boy. He had tall spiked brown hair, broad shoulders, beautiful dark brown eyes, and a cute face. He was fairly tall considering that I was only 5'2.

"I'm Mikey." He said holding out his hand.

"Jessica. But you can call me Jess." I said shaking his hand

"Well see you around, Jessica." He said turning around and walking in the same direction as me.

"We can walk together! I'm just going to Starbucks." I said catching up to him. I know your not suppose to talk to strangers but I had a good feeling about him.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He said shyly

We walked and talked and got to know each other.

Mikey's Prov.

That was it I was love struck. It was love at first sight.

She was beautiful. Now I'm walking and with her.

We just met. She bumped into me, and I knew, I could feel it.

I was in love.


Awe Mikey's in love!!!! Hey there I'm Nichole! K 1. I do have a friend named Brianna and Trisha but her name is Patricia 2. Patricia is really a directioner and is Romanian 3. Brianna is really a ICONiac 4. I do live in Canada, my room is pretty much Jessica's room in the story except I don't have a walk in closet of my own bathroom... So yeah!!! I'll be posting a chapter every Friday!

Why Me?  (Mikey Fusco, Sam Pottorff story)Where stories live. Discover now