Chapter 3

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Jessica's Prov

Me and Trisha were walking around the mall. And I was wondering "Mikey looks so familiar, and his name sounds familiar too"

"Omg Trisha look a ICONic Boyz store!" I squealed (I wish)

And that's when it hit me.

Mikey was Mikey Fusco from the show ABDC. How did I not see this.

I saw Mikey's face in the window of the store.

"Let's go in it." I told Trisha.

She groaned and said "noooo!!! I'm going to find a 1D store!" I rolled my eyes and walked into the store

His face was every where in it. And I mean every where.

I got a few posters and bracelets.

"I'm totally getting these." I said to myself.

I started to remember everything, Mikey, Madison, Jason, and Louis left iconic boyz to be To Bo One, nick and Vinny went solo, and Thomas is with the 8 left. Booo!

I headed to the check out thingy.

"Will that be everything miss?" The cashier asked.

"Yes it will be." I said trying to be joyful.

Trisha came back to the store with 3 bags in her hand.

"I'm going to Victoria's Secret, kay." I said

"Sure no prob, ill just be in PINK." Trisha replied

I really need to get my self some "accessories"

I went in and shopped for a few mins then went and waited in line to pay but someone caught my eye.

He was a tall dark brown haired guy sitting on a bench talking on his phone.

"Next." The cashier said to me.

I put the bras and undies on the counter as she started to scan them.

I paid and walked out of Victoria's Secret.

I sat down on the bench that the dark haired guy was sitting on, but a few feet away.

He slid closer and said "hey I'm Jesse."

"Jessica." I said sweetly.

"I couldn't help but notice you in there." He pointed to the store I was just in.

Oh god he just seen me with "accessories" in my hand.

I blushed a deep red

"Is that so." I said

"Yeah, might I say you are a very beautiful girl."

"Awe, thank you." I said blushing still

Jesse gave me his number

I walked into PINK proud and spotted Trisha looking at Sony tank tops

"Hey how do you like this one?" She asked holding a neon pink tank top

"Cute, and guess what!!" I squealed

"What?!" She asked

"I got some dudes number, and his name is Jesse!" I said

"Wow you work fast girl!" She joked

We called a taxi and waited for it.

Me and Trisha had about 10 bags each.

The taxi came and just as we sat down Live While We're Young came on.

Trisha was rocking out while I was banging my head against the seat

Those same lyrics, OH LORD!!

"Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun..."

We finally got to our house, I ran out as fast as I could and ran to the house.

"I'm going to have a shower!" I yelled while running into my room dropping my bags and running into the bathroom.

I didn't hear her answer but oh well.

I closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower.

I peeled off my clothes and hopped into the shower.

The hot water relaxed my muscles as it went over my body.

I got out of the shower and rapped a towel around me

I walked into my room and there he was sitting on my bed playing on his phone.


Oooo!!! Who is sitting on her bed?! Might do another chapter today...see you beautifuls!!!!


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