Chapter 19

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Jessica's prov.

"Mommie!!!" I yelled as I ran into my new house and into my moms arms.

"Hey baby girl." She said while kissing my forehead.

"I've missed you so much." I said.

She smiled from ear to ear.

"You want to see your room?" She asked

"Yes!" I yelled while running into random rooms.

"It's downstairs!" She called after me

I opened the door to the basement and ran downstairs. The whole basement was my room, and let me tell you it was a big basement.

"Ma I friken love you!!" I yelled.

You could hear her chuckling.

My room was painted a light brown with small quotes all over it, my bed was white with a huge colourful dream catcher on it, there was a table in the corner that had pens, pencils, paper, and notebooks. I'm guessing that's where I would put my laptop and do my homework, right across from my bed was a vanity, then a walk-in closet, and last but not least my own bathroom.

I started to unpack my clothes and put them in my closet. I just remembered that I forgot my skateboard back in New Jersey. "God damn it!" I ran upstairs and asked my mom "can I go to the mall?"

"Of course here's my credit and debit cards." She said as she handed them over.

"Mom did I ever tell you that I flipping love you?" she laughed

I slipped my Vans on and ran out the door.

"I never want to leave." I sighed while I put my earbuds in and put my phone on shuffle.

Floats My Boat by Aer came on.

After getting lost I finally found the mall. It was huge.

Right when I walked in I found a store that had skateboards to my right.

"How can I help you?" A boy asked walking up to me.

"A skate bored." He lead me into the back room which was filled skateboards.

I choose one that was exactly like mine: the deck was abstract Aztec pattern.

"Thank you!" I called while walking out of the store.

I should get a new outfit for school. I thought to myself while walking to a random store. I walked out of that store with a red high low long skirt, a black embellished collar blouse, 10 tank tops, 5 pairs of short shorts, a pair of sunglasses, 10 pairs of shoes, and 3 other summer dresses.

"We'll I think that's all I will get." I said out loud

I hopped on my board and rolled down the sidewalk back to my house.

"Ma I'm home!!! Credit and debit cards are on the counter!!" I yelled while walking to my room

Tomorrow I start school. I'm scared hopefully people will like me.

I took a shower and plugged in my phone, iPad and MacBook Pro in to charge and slipped into my bed and let sleep take over my whole body.


Heyyyy!! I'm finally done my finals and am now on summer vacation!! WOOHOO!! I'm so happy!! Yeah. Vote please!! Follow my Instagram: @mikey_fusco_fan_page


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