Chapter 27

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I ran and ran and ran. Why me? Why does all this happen to me? Is there something wrong with me?

I slammed the door and ran to my room. My pillows were wet with tears.

Tears streamed down my face, they would not stop. Am I that bad that buys have to have me and someone else because I'm that boring of a girlfriend?

I sobbed and sobbed. My phone then buzzed and buzzed and buzzed.

The texts were from Sam. Pretty much saying "I'm sorry! She was kissing me! I still love you! Please Jess answer!" And all that.

"Honey are you- what wrong?" my mom sat on my bed

"When I- was- was at the b-b-beach with s-s-Sam I caught him kissing another girl!" I sobbed.

"Oh honey. I'm so sorry!!" She hugged me.

JC then barged thought the door and hugged me.

"I will never let anyone do that to you ever again, he will pay for this." He said

"Ever heard of knocking?" I laughed barely.

"I didn't have time to knock."

My mom left and left me and JC to talk.

"So wanna watch a movie?" I said still crying just a bit.

"Sure." He laid down on my bed as I popped in Finding NEMO.


I woke up to a empty bed. JC must of left.

Beside me there was a flyer

It read "TALET SHOW!! Monday July 4th!" Then there was a post it note that read. "I know you can sing really good, please enter :) xx JC."

Well ok then, why not! I know exactly what song I'm gonna sing.

I grabbed my guitar in the corner if my room and started strumming to Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood.

I put in a headphone in my ear and turned on the song. I only had today to memorize the song.


Ew that's short. Oh well. But yeah.

Instagram: @o2l_2b1


Why Me?  (Mikey Fusco, Sam Pottorff story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora