Chapter 24

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Mikey's prov

I flew to California to see Jess.

I saw her driving in a car with a guy so I ran after them.

When I walked in subway, she turned and looked pissed.

"MIKEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" She yelled standing up.

"To see you." I said calmly and taking her hands

"Don't touch me!!!" (Aha ;) Erin if you are reading this,😂 our inside joke) she yelled yanking her hands out of mine.

"Jess calm down." Said the guy that was with her. Right when he put his hand on her shoulder her eyes went softer.

That guy was Sam.

"Mikey, I came here to start fresh and forget what you did to me, but now you're here and how is that ever gonna happen." She said a bit calmer

"Look Jess I'm sorry I cheated on you, I love you ok." I said.

"DUDE!! Your 14 you have no idea what love is!! Hell I don't even know what it is, and that's why I will only say it when I know I love the person!" She started to yell.

"Ok buddy you need to leave. Now." Sam said taking a step toward me. He was a lot taller than me.

"Who's gonna make me?" I attempted to be tuff

"Me." Jessica said while grabbing my shirt , lifting me up and lightly tossing me out the door.

They both walked over me and drove off in Sam's car.

Jessica's prov

"Damn girl you're friken strong!!" He laughed

"Well I don't have this 6 pack for nothing." I said before lifting up my shirt.

"Holy Shit!!! How the hell did you get those?" Sam asked

"I would run 4 miles everyday and do 100 crunches each day, and went to the gym to put some muscle on my legs and arms." I stated

"Daaaamn!!" He said while pulling into the school.

"Uhh Jess?" He asked

"Yes Sammie?"

"I was gonna ask you this at lunch, but Mikey showed up and all that. But I was gonna ask you if you would like to be my girlfriend?" He asked

I couldn't believe it.

Why Me?  (Mikey Fusco, Sam Pottorff story)Where stories live. Discover now