Breaking up?

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Artemis P.O.V.

I walked down the hall toward Oliver's bedroom. I need to talk to him. I moved into his house about a week ago, he adopted me from my family. I figured I need a break. I might as well go talk to my boyfriend, Jay, tell him about how I might not be able to go on as many dates and stuff. I guess. I really dont know. Life just got so confusing after he adopted me. I'm just glad to be away from their abuse. I might as well just break up with Jay, he is abusive as well. He won't let me talk to any of my friends. He pretty much isolated me.

I entered Ollie's room. "Ollie?" I asked quietly.

"What is it Artemis?" He said.

"Would you mind if I go out tonight? I have some things I need to do."

"Yeah. Sure, just be back by midnight."

"You got it." I left his room. I walked out the front door and went to Jay's house.

When I got there, he was on his porch with a girl. I noticed her right off. Aubrey Smith. She was dressed so nice. To bad to see that would get ruined by the end of the night. "You little liar!" I yelled at him.

"Artey. It's not what it looks like!" He broke the kiss with Aubrey. And grabbed my arm and held it tight.

"Sure it isn't. Just... it's over!" I tried to ripped my arm from his grip.

"No, it's not. Listen to me, babe." He gripped harder, causing a tear to stream down my face. "I have done nothing wrong here, you see? You are the one constantly hanging around that Grayson boy, or that West kid... And I have told you time and time again, not to hang around them, they're bad news." He gripped even tighter. He knew it hurt me, and he likes that. He always did. Another few tears rolled down my face. I had no say in this argument, I knew that. "Babe, come here." His grabbed my other arm just as tight and forced me to hug him. I tried to wiggle away, but he of course, over powered me. "Let's not do that. You know what will happen if you get away. Now how about that wonderful kiss you give? Right on my lips." He let go of one of my arms and reached around to the back of my head and shoved my lips against his. He tasted like seawater. Yet, all of this was the usual, every day this happened.

He pressed his lips against mine again, and again. And clearly, he wanted more. He just wanted to make out. He still had a grip of my arms, still tight and everything. The tingling seemed to run down my arm. Aubrey had left. So he pushed me against a wall inside his house and kissed my lips. He kept kissing. He went from my lips, to my cheek, to my collar bone. "Jay, please, not tonight." I spoke softly.

"What was that?! Did I just hear you say that we can't make out tonight?"

"Yes." I stood my place.

He slammed me against the wall as hard as he could, leaving a slight dent. "Let me rephrase that. Did I just get told I can't make out with MY girlfriend?"

"N-no." I said, scared of what might happen next.

"Good." He took hold of my cheeks and pulled them towards his. As he kept kissing me, I just kept thinking. 'I know Ollie is going to get mad. I'm not going to be home by midnight.' I thought. 'Jay always wants more. Why does no one else have to live like this.'

"Oh, babe, you're so beautiful." He said, putting his hand up my shirt. "Probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I knew that was a lie. Somehow I was his property, but he was with a different girl every night. I took my hand and pushed his hand out of my shirt. "Well babe, we've been dating for a month, I think I am able to touch you now." He attempted to pull my shirt up.

"Why don't we just cuddle or something? I really don't want to do this tonight."

He smacked my across my face, gave me a dirty look, then pulled me over to the couch. Where he slammed me down.

*time jump: to where Jay finally let's her leave*

He gave me a few punches on my arm before saying, "Well babe, I think we had a good evening. What do you think? Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. I did." I lied. I gave the same answer I gave every night.

"Good, now run along. I have things I need to do." He pushed me out.

When, I got home, Dinah was right at the front door. "Quickly, after you left Ollie fell asleep, head to your room, I'll help you with those bruises." She spoke quietly.

I headed up to my room, when there, I changed into some new clothes. I've always been an early riser, Ollie wouldn't notice. Dinah came up to my room with the usual kit, holding some makeup and band aids and gaws. "How bad was it?" Dinah asked. She knew about Jay and his abusive ways.

"Bad. He tried to touch me. And take off my shirt. All he wanted was to make out."

"Oh, honey, we need to do something about him."

"I know, but what? He never listens to me."

"Well why don't you get one of your friends to help you? Like that Wally boy, you two obviously have something going on." She winked at me.

"Why don't you use your canary cry on him? It would be so much easier."

"You know I can't do that."

"Yeah..." I trailed off thinking about how much help Wally could really do.

I mean, he would be the perfect boyfriend. Those emerald green eyes, and his fiery red hair. He is totally hot. But I couldn't tell him that. The whole team knows I don't share feelings, or even laugh, or cry. To them I'm emotionless. Do you know what Wally would do if he knew about this?!

-Time Pass-

Dinah P.O.V.

After I helped Artey with her brusies, I headed to the Zeta tubes to go find Wally.

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