Who Said Rain Is No Fun?

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After maybe 3 weeks, we got use to calling each other by our fake names Ollie gave us. Owen became a millionaire. He took over a company and he got sales higher than the previous owner. Rory started a job at an ice cream parlor. Dixie is now working part time in a hotel to sing. I currently don't work anywhere. I'm still upset about leaving Happy Harbor.

Dixie says I should try to be more girly, but I'm not going to change. She took me shopping after one day. She bought me some clothes, shoes and stuff like that. She got me one skirt and a nice shirt to go with it, oter than that, everything was jeans and a band T-shirt. Or just a plain color. She did find a Kid Flash shirt, which she instantly bought for me, alone with some matching socks.

The summer has just bagan. I Skype Wally every night, and we call often. He and I are still together, and happy. We only can talk for short times, because of the time difference. He says one day he will come to Hawaii and stay with me.


I put on a pair of ripped up skinny jeans, with a white shirt, and a black jacket over top. I tied my hair in a pony tail. Owen had me cut my hair. So instead of having it to my butt, it only went halfway through my back. Isaac met up with me again, and he said he'll be here at 9 o'clock. Dixie and Owen said I could go.

He was right on time. I went outside and he walked me to his house, which was only down the block. There was music blaring and neon lights when he opened his door. "So, have fun!" He yelled and separated from me.

I was lost, in a loud room, with no one I know. That was when I made my way outside. There was a loud pop then someone entered the stage. "This one goes out to my friend, Aphrodite!" Yelled Isaac through a microphone. Then he bagan singing one of my favorite songs. Love Like Woe, by The Ready Set.

I gave a small blush up at him and he winked at me. After the song he came down to me. "So?" He looked at me.

"So what?"

"Wanna be my girlfriend?"

The question hit like a rock. I couldn't say yes, and I couldn't say no. Before I knew it, I was standing at the edge of the swimming pool. "I uh...'' I said as I fell backwards into the pool. I gave a small scream. I got out quickly and ran out the door, to my house.
"Everyone laughed at me, and I mean everyone!" I explained to Dixie.

"It probably wasn't that bad." She tried to calm me down.

"It was!" I pulled out my laptop and pulled up the video someone at the party posted to Facebook.

She watched it. "You're right, that is pretty bad."

"I told you! I can never show my face outside ever again!" I stormed off to my bedroom. I laid on my bed in some pajamas I put on. Then my laptop was ringing. It was a Skype call. I put the laptop on my lap and Answer the call. "Hi Wally" I waved through the screen.

"Hey babe, I miss you." He said back.

"I miss you too." I frowned, fake. "Guess what happened today?"

"You went to a party and when a guy asked you out, you fell in a pool?"

"Yeah.. How'd you know that?"


"Oh, right," I blushed.

"Never mind that, I have some good news."

"Oh, really? What is it?"

"Look at this." He held up a ticket.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"It is a one way ticket, first class, to Honolulu, Hawaii!"

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing! When's the flight?"

"I'm leaving to the airport to morrow afternoon."

"That's fantastic!" I smiled at him through the camera, "but how did you afford all this?"

"I have a rich friend, who really wants me to see you." He smiled back, obviously talking about Dick.

"He must be amazing." I laughed. "It's getting late though, I have to go to bed. Talk to you, tomorrow hopefully!" I ended the Skype call.

Was Wally really coming to Hawaii!? Was he really?
The next day, I got dressed in the Kid Flash shirt Dixie got me, the matching socks, and a pair of short shorts. Dixie and Owen were picking Wally up at the airport, which was 1 1/2 hours away. They wouldn't let me go, so I was stuck at home. They left at 6ish, so they could be home soon. I was stuck at home. I crack of thunder crept across the sky. There was some pitter patter of rain on the roof, then it started to pour.

I sat in my room. I saw the rain through the window. It dripped on the pane and made a sound of a drip each time. I pulled out my laptop and set it on the foot of my bed. I sat on my stomach and kicked my feet in the air. I logged onto Facebook and checked my status. I had one message from a girl I met, Kat, at the ice cream parlor Rory was working at. I read it: 'hey! I was wondering if you know that cute boy in the parlor?' I texted back quickly, and she gave a quick response.

Me: 'Rory?'
Kat: 'Yeah! Him'
Me: 'Yeah, I know him. He's my brother.' I sighed at my response. He never really seemed like a brother to me, just a partner.
Kat: 'Lucky! Hey, think you can set us up sometime?'
Me: 'That won't be a good idea. He has a girlfriend."
Kat: 'Darn it! '
This girl sure did like emoticons.
Me: 'Yeah, sorry.'
Kat: 'That's alright. But I have one question.'
Me: 'What is it?'
Kat: 'Your whole family had blonde hair, how does he have red?'

I had no idea what to say! Was he adopted or something? That was when there was a knock on my door. I closed my laptop and answered my door. Rory was standing there. Thank goodness. "Hey, Aphrodite. I need to ask you a question." He looked at me.

"Yeah, sure, what is it?"

"What do I say to someone when they ask I'm the only redhead in our family?"

"Omg, someone just asked me that. And are you adopted or did you dye it?"

"Dying it sounds better. Go with that." He smile and left.

I grabbed my laptop and looked at the clock. Two hours have already passed since Owen and Dixie left. So it was 8ish. I headed downstairs to the living room, to see when they pulled up in an half of an hour. I opened my laptop and answered Kat.

Me: 'He dyes it.'
Kat: 'Where!? It looks natural!'
Me: 'Well, it was last dyed at my last home, by some girl named Dinah, she is really good.'
Kay: 'Too bad'

I didn't say anything back, she got my point. Just then, I got a text. From Wally. I read it: 'Almost to your house! Can't wait to see you!'

I smiled to myself and texted him back: 'Can't wait either!'

Rory came to the living room a while ago, and sat on the couch, next to the chair I was sitting in. We peeked out the window. It was still raining. The car just pulled in. It parked a ways away. Some one got out. "Who's that?" Rory asked, not recognizing the shape of the figure.

I knew exactly who it was. I ran out the door and into the rain, not answering Rory's question. I went halfway down the front walk. Wally was at the other end. He stared as he saw me come out and we both looked at each other for what seemed like eternity.

The rain seemed to fall harder, and the atmosphere seemed almost thicker. It was almost unbearable, but we both held our ground.

Suddenly, Wally came rushing up to me. I wanted to run to him, but I couldn't. I needed to stay. He came closer and closer. Not even a second after he reached me, he leaned down and kissed me. We stood there, next to each other, barely taking our lips apart. The rain no longer mattered. Nothing did. It was just the two of us, that moment, everything else was forgotten.

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