Where's Wally?

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Wally P.O.V.

After I left Artemis, I went to Belle Reve Penitentiary, I had a bone to pick with Jay, plus the warren owed me a favor. I stood in the interrogation room, in front of Jay. "I'm glad we caught you, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, big time assassin in jail, whoopee do." He said groggily.

"And do you know why I'm here?"

"Not really, you just showed up. Idiot." He mumbled.

"You're the idiot!" I yelled after he mumbled. "Never mind. The police said I could come and get you to confess about what you did."

"And exactly what did I do?"

"Well you sexually assaulted Artemis, which is now my girlfriend." I bragged. "And you killed, like 56 people. "

"You seem unsure about that second part. Plus, Artemis is a price of worthless junk, she is so stubborn and bratty, you can have her."

"Artemis is an amazing girl!"

"Yeah, just try strapping her to the bed and making out with her, you'll see. You'll see how stubborn she is."

"So are you saying you did sexually harassed Artemis?"

"I did sexually harass her, but I didn't kill anyone!"

"Yeah right... Says the man who shot me. Twice!"

"Fine, fine, I may have TRIED to kill you, but here you are... Alive." He smirked. "Plus, you have no evidence that I killed them. You don't even know who they are."

"Ruby White*, Dave Wright, Ramon Jenkins, Emilio Webster, Kelly Sc-"

"Yeah I get it. You know who was killed."
(*I'm going to writing another story on here soon, and Ruby is one of the main characters, just an FYI)
"I know everyone who died, they day they died, and who did it. You should just confess now."

"I'm not going to confess, it wasn't me!"

"Just earlier you said you we an assassin!"

"I said there was an assassin in jail."

"Well then who killed all those people!?"

"I don't know."

"We collected physical evidence that you killed them!"

"What evidence!?"

"This," I pull out a box and dump the contents on the table in front of him. I held up a bag, "this has your fingerprints on it!"

"Doubt it. An assassin never leaves fingerprints, ever."

That's when an officer came in, "Times up Kid Flash." He guided me out of the Penitentiary. I went to the cave, to see if I wasn't too late for my usual second dinner there.

Surprisingly it was all put away. Unlike anyone would do that to me. I laughed to myself. Then I saw Robin pouting, waking down the hallway. "Oh, hey KF." He smiled, an obvious fake smile.

"Yo, what's with the pout?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

"Really? You sure?"

"I'm sure, okay!?" He threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared.

"Um... Weird?" I said out loud. I headed to my room as Artemis stepped out of hers. I tripped over my untied shoelace and tripped into her arms. Causing both of us to fall over and me landing on top of her. "Oh, hey babe." I said getting off of her. "I was just thinking," I helped her up, "Would you like to come over to my house later and watch a movie? We can watch whatever you want."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun, meet me in 10, by the zeta tubes."

"Yeah okay, see ya then." I smiled and let her go her own way.

I went into my room and changed into my sweater vest and jeans. I looked like a total dork! But Artemis said it would look good with my glasses, which I didn't tell anyone I had. Until Artemis went through my bedroom (after i moved back in with Barry) and found them in my dresser drawer. So, I guess I have to start wearing glasses, not contacts. I went to the zeta tubes, and saw Artemis in some PJ pants and a tank top. He hair was done up in a very loose bun on the top of her head. 'I'll change into pajamas when I'm at my house,' I though and walked over to her. She was holding two bags of popcorn and a movie.

"Ready for our date?" I asked her as I held out my hand for her.

"As I'll ever be, hey, I'll get to meet Barry on a non mission!" She laughed and took my hand.

"Yeah, won't that be great. Let's just hope Aunt Iris won't bring out my baby pictures."

We walked through the zeta tubes and went to my house. We cooked up some popcorn, put in the movie Artemis picked and began to watch the movie.

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