Rick and Nick and still no Wally?

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Wally P.O.V.

When I was shot, all I heard was Artemis's scream, and the pulling of the bedframe. Nothing more, nothing less. Her scream echoed in my ears, it was loud and high pitched. The pain was next. It was a pain that I couldn't handle. It hurt, badly. I gripped tight to the wound to try and stop the bleeding as best as I could. And I bit down, clenching my teeth.

Jay lived in the middle of nowhere, I'm glad, or there would be cops everywhere by now.

Artemis P.O.V.

I saw Wally get shot. Just inches away from his heart, he needed to be in a hospital or even with Robin, or Batman. But they were in Gotham. His blood covered the floor. He didn't even try to get up. He was getting more limp as more blood rushed out of him.

I was still handcuffed to the bed and no way I could get the key. Jay stood there, watching Wally bleed out. He wasn't going to do anything. I began to cry, one of my best friends, my crush (in a way) even, laid there. Jay turned and noticed me crying. He slapped me, just as he did every time I cried. He grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the bedframe. "Stop crying. That is all you ever do. Cry, and you better stop or I will shoot that boy, right in the head and make him die instantly."

I held in my tears. "Good, good." He said. "Now come here. Oh wait you can't." He laughed as he stood by Wally and kicked him.

"Stop!" I yelled.

"Wait, what was that?" He walked over to me. I sat silently. "What was it?!" He gripped my cheeks.

"I said stop. Don't hurt him."

"Well, Missy, I can do whatever I want you have no control over it." Jay walked back over to where Wally was. "Okay kid, get up. You don't belong here any more." He kicked Wally until he got up.

There was blood all over his costume. It was on his cheek and everything, even on his hands. Wally might die, and I can't go anywhere. I was stuck to Jay's bed! I pulled and pulled to try and get out. Even though I knew it wouldn't work. The cuffed started to rub on my hands, and in a few seconds my hands started to bleed. Jay left with Wally to be sure he left. I tried to look out the window to see what they were doing. The only thing I could see was a small blur of yellow and red. Jay didn't come straight back in his room. He shut his bedroom door and left me alone.

All I could think about was if Wally was going to be okay. He would probably find help.

When Jay came back he had some food and the key to the handcuffs I was wearing. He placed them on top of his dresser which was parallel to his bed. He set the tray of food in front of me. (I was sitting on my knees with both hands in the cuffs which were around on of the poles of his bedframe.) "I though you might get hungry. Too bad you don't have any hands do eat this sandwich I made you." He lifted it up to his face and took a bite, showing me that he was going to be the only one eating tonight.
"Would you like some?" He rubbed it under my nose. Making me smell it. "Come on, I know you want it!" I nodded and he let me take a bite. He finished the sandwich. "Well, looks like we're out of food. To bad too, I was just about to let you take another bite." He laughed as he heard my stomach growl. He reached up and brushed my hair out of my face. "Don't you have anything to say?"

"No." I simply said.

"Well, look at the time." He pointed to a clock on his wall. "It is six o'clock, my parents will be home soon. You better be quiet in here while I take care of them, they have to go to a party tonight. Oh, wait, I have and idea." He got up and went down stairs and came back up with a gag. He put it on me. "Say something, come on." He said, like he was treating me like a dog. "Say something." He demanded.

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